14.) snuggles for eternity

Start from the beginning

I place my hand on her knee and rub it with my thumb. I don't say anything, scared that I might offend her is some way. She doesn't seem too helpless like some people, just really moody.

"Text Caspar and tell him to bring ice cream home, whenever he decides to quit hiding from me." Ruby says, tossing me my phone from the coffee table.

"How did you know Caspar ran away from you?" I ask, unlocking my phone to text him.

"He used to do the same thing with Regina." She answers, turning the television off. "Sorry I'm so lazy and pissed off." I simply shrug and lay my phone on my lap.

"It's not your fault." I say. "You didn't decide to have a period." She smiles for a small second before pushing one of her hands to her hip.

"I wish everyone felt that way. My mom used to get mad when I would have my period because I was too emotional. Now, I'm just cranky during the entire week." She explains. "The only good thing about it is that I don't have bad dreams while I'm on it. I don't know why. I always thought it would make me have more."

Was Regina the only person to ever support Ruby? She couldn't even please her mom when she was younger. Her mom still calls her at least once a week, but she never answers her anymore. I couldn't imagine ignoring a call from one of my parents, but Ruby's youth doesn't sound as nice as mine was.

I poke her cheek with my foot, earning a small giggle in return. I've found over the past few days that Ruby isn't ticklish anywhere except for right by her ears and her neck. Just the slightest touch in either place tickles her. I touch her cheek again right where it meets her ear, and she pulls her head away while laughing.

"You're such a dick." She laughs before poking her foot into my side, tickling me. When I jump away out of instinct, I end up falling off the couch and into the small place between the table and the sofa.

Ruby's long hair dangles off the couch as she rolls over to look at me. She's still laughing, and I'm glad she's not still very upset. It's not her quiet, melodic laugh. It's the other one that I've been hearing more often; the one where she snorts after almost every breath. "You okay, babe?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I answer, pulling myself up. I stand above her and caress her cheek with two of my fingers. "Are you a bit better, love?" She nods her head before arching her back and pulling Caspar's pillow out from underneath her. She tosses it by the Foosball table.

"Can we just turn off all the lights and just snuggle on the couch for like an hour? Or eternity?" She asks. She places a pill in her mouth before stealing a drink of my water. I smile at her and walk to the light switch.

"I think I'll take eternity." I answer, joining her back on the couch. I lay with my back against the sofa, and she lays with her back to my chest. I wrap both my arms around her, softly rubbing her lower stomach and hips. Our feet tangle at the other end of the couch, and I honestly have no clue how we're going to get out of it later.

We have a really quiet afternoon until Caspar comes home at almost five o'clock. Ruby's been napping for only about twenty minutes, and I shush Caspar as soon as he begins talking. "I've got the ice cream." He whisper-shouts. I give him a thumbs up with one hand before returning it to Ruby's waist. I hear him go down the stairs, but I don't hear anything after that.

Now, you'd think that after all these years, I would know that if Caspar is quiet, he is up to something. He's like a small child that always needs supervision. Almost ten minutes later, Caspar grabs Ruby's shoulder while screaming. Obviously scaring both of us, I just have enough time to scream before Ruby takes matters into her own hands, quickly punching Caspar.

"Shit. I'm sorry." She says, sitting up on the couch to look at Caspar. I laugh as I pat her back, urging her to get up so I can. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was trying to perk you up since you're all upset right now." He says, holding on to his nose. As Ruby and Caspar argue about who's fault it is, I make my way to the freezer. Not finding an actual ice pack, I pull a bag of frozen vegetables out and take them to Caspar.

"Mate, I'm going to need more than that." He says, moving his hand so I can see the blood beginning to gush out. Ruby is still apologizing, but it's more forced than sincere. She knows she doesn't have to, but she's trying to seem nice.

I grab a few napkins off the counter for Caspar to hold over his nostrils. Ruby instructs him to sit on the couch before he has time to press the napkins to his nose. She places the ice pack over the bridge of his nose, trying not to interfere with the paper sticking out of it.

"You were vlogging that, too." I laugh, seeing his phone clutched in his right hand. "Please tell me you got Ruby punching you."

"I never stopped filming, so unless for some reason I moved it away, I should." The blonde answers, clearly not proud of himself for it. He knows I won't let him cut it out, so there will be a video on the internet forever where Caspar gets punched by a girl.

"Well, I mean, punching you did kind of cheer me up." Ruby smiles, sitting down on the opposite side of the couch. She pats the boy's foot, still trying not to laugh. Standing behind the sofa, I pull her head to the back to kiss the top of it.

"I didn't punch him that hard. He'll be fine." She mutters as Caspar continues his vlog.

"She's punched me before." Caspar says, moving the phone away, so he can look at Ruby and I.

"I forgot about that until you just mentioned it." She says, running a hand through her hair quickly. "That was back during my emo phase."

"I would love to see pictures of emo Ruby." I tease her. She rolls her eyes quickly before shaking her head.

"All of those were burned a long time ago." She says.

"It was great. She had the fringe, and probably at least two different colors in her hair. She even had a fake septum piercing." Caspar says before Ruby can shut him up.

"No one needs to hear about fifteen year-old Ruby." She protests, standing from the couch. As she walks to the kitchen, Caspar moves the phone up to get her in frame.

"She used to wear really dark eye makeup all the time. She had black lipstick, too. Didn't you, Ruby?" The blonde continues. She turns to look at him.

"The stupid part about that is I still have it. It's in Joe's bathroom." She says, giggling. "But, seriously. I won't hesitate to punch you again, if you don't shut up."

"Next date, Ruby." I say, walking towards her. "I want to see that black lipstick." She smirks, opening up the tub of ice cream.

"In your dreams, Sugg."

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