Chapter 11

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I take off running with Luke.
After about 10 minutes the group has spread out a bit again and I see Lucy come up along side me and smile. I smile back to her. She looks so different now I still can't get over it. I can see she has some muscle as her arms are visible from the grey tank top she is wearing. Her long hair is flowing behind her in a pony tail. She's nearly as tall as me now, only slightly shorter, thats something I'll have to get used to.
I decide to keep running at the back of the group this time, so as to not cause any more problems. Maybe it has something to do with your rank in the group how close to the front you run? But then Lucy seems to be easily able to change Eriks mind and she's at the back of the group. Maybe what Noah said about him liking Lucy was true. I shake my head and rid myself of that thought,  I don't want to even think about it.
We run for another couple hours when I hear the whistle again.  Everyone stops and I can see some people lying down and others are bent over on their knees puffing. I'm out of breath too but I could have gone for another hour easily.  I look behind me and something feels off. The void seems closer than what it should be considering how far and long we ran for.
In front of me the group of guys seem to be forming a line for some reason. I look to the front and see a water+ hole. Thank god.
I go line up at the back. Luke is in front of me and Lucy in front of him. I smile at them both. There're really the only people here I fully trust. Noah, Oliver and Ethan seem alright but you can never be too careful.  I trust Lucy because she's my sister but why do I trust Luke? I question myself.  Is it because he was the first face I saw when I woke up? Maybe it's because he's been so nice to me this whole time? Maybe it's because Lucy spends so much time with him and seems to trust him? I push those thoughts aside I probably shouldn't trust him. You can't trust anyone in this new world.
"Oh thank god I really ne-" Luke starts to say but pauses when he turns and looks at me.
I don't even have time to question him when I'm suddenly knocked to the ground. I look up and expect to see someone like Erik but I don't.
I look up and see what people have been calling me and realize I never earnt that title, not even close.
I look up and see a true feral.

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