The Mysterious Trio

348 11 16

Kanan's POV

The whining sound of the speeder's engines died down as we came to the place where we planned to leave them for Zeb later. I hopped off to one side as Sabine slid down the ground. Once the speeders were secure, I nodded at them and we walked down the remaining length of the alleyway. We came to the end and looked at the surroundings. There was many dull walls that were either a gray color or gray covered up with dust from the dirt ground, making it more of a dark tan or brown. The main street that we were to come out on had open-air market stalls, mostly wooden, lined down the walls and even blocking some of the alleys. The street was crowded with people that were either busy shopping for things or being rude to others. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a Togruta, which was a bit odd to see on this planet, taking some fruit from a local vendor when they weren't looking and walking away without even paying. My eyes widened in surprise as I stepped out of the alley towards the place where the mission objective was located. Zeb walked over to a doorway and tapped his large hand on his leg once, then closed his eyes and leaned against the doorframe with a small canopy over it. Sabine nodded at me as she started examining the nearest posters and pottery on the ground. She tapped on her leg once, indicating that she was set and in position. I nodded and continued walking tapping my leg once as I passed Sabine and again as I went by Zeb. I turned the corner and walked around the market, pretending to show interest like any of the people that had the main intention to do so.

After completing this route about three times, Hera gave me the signal that all was good to go when I got a beep that emitted from my com four times. I smiled to myself. I turned to go down the street that Sabine and Zeb were located. Zeb's position had not moved, unlike Sabine, who had moved about thirty feet down the street. I was about to signal Zeb that it was time to activate Hera's brilliant plan when I felt a pull. A pull in the Force. Though I had not used it in a long time, it was still a part of me. And even though I wanted to dispose of it so badly, I couldn't. It was a part of me. If this pull was mediocre or small, I would have ignored it, but this was different. This was the strongest pull that I have felt since I had meet Hera. My eyes were drawn to the top of a building as I saw a blur of color. Blue, white and a gold. Even though the feeling was strong, I ignored it for now and gave Zeb the signal. He opened his eyes and followed me as I gave Sabine the same signal. She broke from our threesome and walked over to where the Imperial speeders were parked. After she was finished arming the charge on her way there, she quickly tossed it on the speeder bike that was meant as a barrier for the citizens shopping. The bomb let out a rapidly increasing number of beeps then stopped. I then saw a trooper reach out his hand and walked about two steps toward Sabine, who was quickly making her retreat around the corner. He then gave up and made his way back the speeder. Suddenly, the speeder was ignited in a ball of flame and colorful smoke as all of the troopers were knocked to the ground, either dead, injured, or unconscious, from the powerful blast radius.

"Get those crates out of here!" I heard a man yell. "Keep them secure at all costs!"

I smirked to myself as I suddenly remembered the plan. I rushed to a nearby land speeder and turned the engine on, backing up to block the path of the Imperials that were trying to escape with the shipment that was soon to be ours. I tried to look casual as they pulled to a screeching halt in front of me, the engines of the vehicle whining in protest.

"How's it goin'?" I sarcastically asked the leader of the group as I sprung out of the speeder, kicking the man in the face. I rapidly pulled out my blaster and spun it to show of my skills before shooting the second of the three men at point blank range. I was satisfied with myself as the man crumpled to the ground, but my small victory was short-lasted as I felt a searing heat whiz past my head. I ducked on instinct, finding the source of the fire and shooting in that direction. The Imperial ducked under a crate as I realized,  Hiding behind a speeder is not the best idea when I'm in a shootout with a trooper . If one of his stray bolts hits the engine, it's game over. But... that's what Zeb is here for.

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