cure the shock wave

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Sometimes, to cure the shock wave of hurt and broken you have to stop relying upon people to fix you and be there and listen to your problems because we know that they wouldn't be here if they didn't see something in us, the problem is ourselves. We're the broken ones and we have to fix ourselves, we have to be selfish with our time and patience and we have to love ourselves even if it's in small gradual amounts, we have to fall in love with our image, our face, our body, our personality, voice, smile, eyes, ears, nose, lips, cheeks, jaws, arms, legs, stomachs, thighs, mindset, everything. We have to accept it, and when we accept our own beauty, only then can we move onto a road of self-recovery. 

Still doesn't sound appealing? 

How about after all of that, you'll have the satisfaction of saying that you fixed your broken self with no support, help, reliance, influence, or anything that wasn't the rawest version of you.  

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