Chapter 5

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Getting home, I got started on dinner and dessert. Soon enough the taco soup is simmering on the stove and the chocolate cake is cooling on the cooling rack. I really should have made it last night, but it will have to do.

I didn't have much left to do, so I did the dishes and picked up around the house a little bit. I then went and finished up the laundry.

I only really had an hour or so to kill before Marie got back and her friends come over. I really hate meeting new people. Well I guess that's not true, I just get so nervous and awkward and it's just terrible! I wonder if Marie's crush is coming as well. It would be nice to see who is going to be taking my sister out. Oh my goodness, I have a date too! I can't wait to tell Marie! Holy bananas I have a date. Okay, don't panic, it will be okay. Oh, wait, Marc is in the Academy, do I want to be involved with the Academy again? The brief meetings and the long work hours, actually more like odd hours. And the worst part of not knowing if he is safe. Wondering if he is with someone, or by himself. Do I think this will be more than a date? Do I want that? Heck I know I can't answer that. I really don't know him. What if.. No, I need to stop.

To keep myself busy, I go and check if the cake is cool enough to frost. It's not, so I go and fold the laundry. Separating them into piles of mine and Marie. Taking it up stairs, I set Marie's on her bed and go and put away mine. I then go back down stairs and deem the cake cool enough to frost.

Knock, knock, knock

I freeze and then go to the door. Opening, I'm shocked by how tall this guy is, he has sun kissed blond hair and beautiful cerulean blue eyes. Wide shoulders and tan skin.

I meet his eyes, "Hello."

"Hi, this is where Marie Sorenson lives right?" His voice a nice tenor, almost bass.

"Yes," I say. still just standing there looking at this handsome man.

"Okay, is she not here yet? She said that we were hanging out and having dinner here," The guy says.

"Oh, hang on. What's your name?" Pulling out my phone to call her.

"It's Corey nice to meet you."

"Sang and likewise," I say shaking his and as Marie answers the phone. "Hi, is one of your friends name Corey? And is he tall with blond hair and blue eyes?" I ask. Corey just nods as if proud that I called to make sure they were friends instead of just letting a complete stranger into my house.

"Yep, I might be a little longer. One of my friends is having a few problems, and before you ask, no I don't need help. Thanks anyways and I'll see you soon, bye. Oh and have fun getting to know Corey, he's a real sweetheart and a total hottie, bye!" She hangs up with a giggle, and my face turns red as I look back up at Corey to see him smiling at me.

"Okay, well Marie says she will be a little late, something about having to help a friend. So you can come in and make yourself comfortable, I just need to do a few things," I open the door wide to let him in.

"Okay, thank you." I close the door and turn to the kitchen but pause before saying, "the living room is through there and the kitchen is the other way. If you need anything I'll be in the kitchen."

I walk in the kitchen and note that he is following me. Alright.

"Are you thirsty?"

"No, but thank you."

Well, now it's officially awkward. To distract myself, I finished frosting the cake and humming to myself.

"It smells really good, what are you making?"

"Taco Soup."

"The same one that Marie brought to school?"

"The very same. How do you and Marie know each other?"

"Oh, well we have a friend in common. The one time we hung out, we met and yeah, now we are friends."

"Oh, what friend?"

"His name is Matt, they are actually going on a date soon I think."

"Oh! Is he coming over too?!?" I all but started to jump up and down.

Corey laughs and nods his head. Well, at least I won't have worry about that anymore. "Is Matt a good person?"

"Yes, he's great. He is really smitten with Marie, so you don't need to worry about him treating her right. Plus, his brothers would never let him mistreat a lady."

"That's good to know, thank you." I finished up with the cake, piping 'Great Job Marie' on it with white frosting.

Sighing to myself, I know I can't help but be drawn to Corey. Frankly, that's bad news just waiting to happen. I also know I can't help it when I find myself sitting across from him as we joke and laugh and learn about each other. I learned that he as a brother and four really close friends, they all live in the same apartment building except one. He works in the computer lab at the college that Marie goes to and really likes computers. He is super sweet and much to my delight, he blushes! 

Author's Note:

It's a little short, but I'm happy we got to meet Corey! I hoped you enjoyed this! Let me know what you think!!! Thanks for reading!!!I hope to update my other stories by next weekend if you read them. Have a great weekend everyone!!

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