Chapter 1

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I was up earlier that what I wanted but I guess my body just doesn't want to sleep in, maybe it's from nerves. With nothing else pressing to do I cook up some chocolate chip pancakes. At least this way I know Marie will have breakfast before her classes, she has finals today. Perhaps I'll make her some lunch as well. I know she will do great, we have been studying for them for the last couple of weeks. It's only seven-forty in the morning as she has to leave at eight-thirty to get to the her college for her nine classes.

"Hey, that smells good," Marie says as she walking into the kitchen.

"Thanks, take a seat these are almost done."

"Too nervous to sleep? I don't know why, you'll get the job."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I just don't do well talking to strangers, what if I mess up."

"You'll do fine," she says and starts to make herself a plate. She really has come into the supportive big sister just like she was when we were younger. It's crazy how much my stepmother had over us when she was still with us. Right now she is at a care facility to be watched over while she battles with cancer.

"Oh, is a chicken sandwich okay for your lunch? I was gonna use the leftover from dinner last night."

"Oh, that's perfect, thanks! I'm going to go grab a shower and then leave so I can review before the test."

"Okay," I call after and start on her lunch. I quickly write a note of encouragement and put some cookies for a snack too. Then I finish my breakfast, I take my plate over to the sink and start the dishes. Marie comes in the kitchen with her book bag and grabs her lunch. Yelling bye to me as she leaves out the front door.

With the dishes done and kitchen clean I go take a shower. I use my apple scented shampoo and conditioner and then my berry body wash. Mmmm I love the smell that they make together. I blow dry my hair and go to my room where I get out my clothes for the day. I go with a white button up blouse and a black pencil skirt. I add a small belt, then I put on my blue flats to add some color.

I go back to the bathroom and do my hair.

Satisfied with it, I go the long mirror and do a final check. I feel a little more confident in my choices and I can feel the affect making me more confident overall. I go to my room and grab my purse and make sure I have my wallet, keys, and phone, and then I leave. The drive is quiet with just the soothing sounds of the piano in the background.


I pull into the aquarium and find a parking spot. I arrived at nine-fifteen and my appointment is at nine-thirty so I have time. Walking into the place and I feel myself start to shake slightly, but will it a way as I take a calming breath and look for the office. I find a boy behind a desk and go up to him.

"Hi," I say. The boy looks up surprised.

"Um, hello, how can I help you?" He asked.

"I'm Sang Sorenson and I have an interview with Mr. Toma at nine-thirty," I tell him. I hope he can't tell how super awkward I feel.

"Okay, I'll let him know. If you will take a seat right over there," he points to a couple of seats, "I will be right back." he gets up and goes through a door.

I take a seat and try to collect myself with deep breaths. I can do this.

A few minutes later the boy comes back looking a little flustered. "Miss Sorenson, Mr. Toma is ready to see you." He kindly waits for me to stand and he walks me to the door. Holding it open for me while I walk in. I hear him close it behind me, but I'm too paralyzed to really notice. I see a large man behind the desk, he looks to be of native american descent. His dark eyes seem to see right through me, he is probably as imitating as Mr. Blackbourne, if not more. 

Author's Note:

So, how did I do? Love or Hate? Do you want more? Let me know!! 

Thanks for all of the votes and comments! 

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