Chapter 4

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I wake up around eight, Marie doesn't have to leave until ten and should be home around four. It seems like a long time for two tests but they are a few hours apart and instead of wasting gas to come home, she just stays there.

I start breakfast and start to hum a little bit while making french toast with scrambled eggs that have bacon pieces crumbled in it. It is something I just started to do and I have to admit it's delicious. I get some plates and start to dish it out, knowing Marie will be down any moment. I set the plates on the table. Then grab the orange juice from the fridge, setting it next to the plates.

"Good morning!"

"How are you so happy this early?"

I shrug. Taking my seat, I begin to eat. While I'm chewing my food I begin a mental list of what I need to make taco soup and the chocolate cake. I may need to go to the store for some ingredients. "What do you want for lunch? I'm sure I can make you something besides a sandwich if you are tired of them."

"A sandwich will be fine, thank you. I really appreciate all the help this last few days." Finishing her breakfast she starts to get up, "I'm going to get ready."

I start to collect the dishes and take them to the sink.

I'm humming to myself as I do the dishes and then make Marie's lunch. I was startled when my phone started ringing. Glancing at the number I realized I didn't know who is was. I tap the answer button I bring it up to my ear, "Hello?"

"Hello, this is Axel Toma from the Aquarium. Is this Miss Sang Sorenson?" Mr. Toma's deep voice replied, sending goosebumps across my skin.

Taking a deep breath, "Hi Mr. Toma, this is Sang. How may I help you?"

"I was just calling to let you know you got the job. I would like to see you in my office tomorrow at noon, if that works for you."

I stood shocked before I understood his words. To my embarrassment, I squealed about getting the job and quickly realized what I was doing and apologized. I then thanked him before telling him I'd be there.

"Alright, see you tomorrow. Goodbye," he said although I could hear amusement in his voice, causing my cheeks to flare up.

"Goodbye Mr. Toma," I hung up and started to jump as I squealed some more before I got control over myself. I did it! I got the job all by myself! I felt giddy, and so proud of myself that I couldn't wipe the smile from my face. So when Marie came down she notice and asked.

"I got the job!"

"Oh my god! I told you, you would get it! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you!"

Marie laughs, "Thanks for lunch see you after school! Don't forget, I'm bring friends over. Bye!" She runs out the door.

"Be safe and good luck!" I called after her.

After lounging around for an hour I took a shower and then got dressed in a cute skirt outfit.

I then put a little bit of mousse in my hair to help with my natural wave and then blow dried it. Pulling it up in a high ponytail with a few strains hanging around my face, I dab a light pink lip gloss on my lips. Then I got on my white flats, grabbed my purse and keys and then left.

Driving to the store had left me to my memories. The day before the boys left everything was normal. We even had a family game day. They were all smiling and laughing, including Mr. Blackbourne. If they knew they were leaving the next morning they gave nothing away. I even stopped by Erica's and she had no idea. She let me know, that regardless I was still welcomed to come over and see her and Jessica every now and then. I even sometimes watch Jessica when Erica had to work overtime and we have little sleep overs. I think being with Jess taught me what sisters could look like. Even now, when she comes over, Marie will hang out with us.

I wonder what the boys would think of my relationship with Marie today. I told her everything when we got closer, how I know I was in love with them. That when I was surrounded by all of them was the happiest I had ever been and they taught me what a family looks like. I even told her that I kissed each and everyone of them and they were so sweet and caring. And then when I got to the part where they broke my heart by disappearing on me without even a word, she held me and rubbed my back. Didn't judge and for that I am very grateful.

Taking deep breathes to calm myself. I pull into the parking lot and take my time getting my things together and turning off the car.

Walking in I grab a cart and start with the hygiene products we needed. As I stroll down the aisle I put in a rose and an apple smelling body wash. Then shampoo, luckily we like the same brand so we only need to get the bigger bottles to last a little longer. We needed some feminine products so I add those to the cart as well. On my way to the food section of the store I see some candles. I can't help myself they just smell so good, so I add citrus, cake and apple smelling candles to my cart. Making my way to the meat aisle, I grab beef and chicken.

I was looking at the different vegetables when something lightly hit my back, causing me to startle and knock myself into the vegetable stand in front of me. A hand gentle grabs onto my arm to help me from making an even bigger mess.

"Wow, I am so sorry ma'am!" I hear a deep, strong, and confident voice say. I look down at the arm still holding my arm and see that it is tan and muscular.

"Oh, um... it's okay," I say and move slowly as if to give the guy a clue to let go. He gets the hint and released my arm. He's tall. Well, actually pretty much everyone is taller than me so, no surprise there. I slowly bring my eyes up and I'm shocked when mine meet blue and green eyes. I take in the rest of his face wondering why I feel as if I have meet him before.

"Oh, I know you! Your the little doctor!" he says excitedly.

'What?" and then it clicked. "Oh my goodness, I pulled the nail out of your leg right? Um, hang on it will come to me... M it starts with a M... Matt. No, Mike. No definitely not, um Marc! Right?" I look up at him.

"Yes and yes, and you're Sang right? You don't forget the person who pulls a nail out with their bare hands," he says with a chuckle and I feel my face go red.

"I am so sorry about that! I had no idea what I was doing and Dr. Green was not helping! You do know I am not a doctor right, nor had any training. That was the first time ever," I say with my hands waving around.

He laughs again, "It's okay, I figured as much. But, hey how is Dr. Green? You guys were dating or something right? I haven't seen much of him in a while."

My face goes blank and I take a deep breath, "Um.. him and his team left around two years ago. I guess you could say that we were but it's over now," I say and I'm proud that my voice stayed even.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Marc says.

"It's alright, that was two years ago. I'm moving now, not trying to live in the past," I tell him.

I watch his eyes light up and a look of mischief come into his eyes, "Can I take you out, like on a date? You know as a thanks for helping my leg?"

I blush, holy cow! Is this real? "Um... sure," Goodness! Can I get anymore awkward?

He chuckles and holds out his hand and I look at him confused. He smiles, "Can I see your phone please?"

"Oh! Of course, here." I hand him my phone and watch as he adds his number and then send himself a text.

"Awesome, I'll text you so we can set up a day that works for us. Thank you, see you soon!" and with that he winks and walks away.

Oh boy, what did I just get myself into. 

Author's Note:

Well? anyone surprised? I know I was! Let me know what you think? Also any ideas for cute Nicknames would be wonderful! Thank you for all the votes and comments! 

Also, as you have just read, Sang has met Marc, but he is the only one that Sang has met before, so, anyone she meets, it will be the first time they met. I have decided that Sang has kissed the GB boys but thats about it, maybe light make out but no more. She is still completely innocent. Any thing after HOK did not happen. Any questions do not be afraid to ask! Thanks for reading!

ps. longest chapter yet!

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