Facts to keep in mind

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This is two years after Ashley Waters, so Sang is 18. 

I'm keeping the guys age as they are, but I'm not sure what the ages of the Scarab's boys are so, I'm making them around Owen and Sean's age. 

Sang has fake identification (Birth certificate, ss, ect.), and has her drivers license. She has money from her father, but ends up wanting to work. She hasn't decided if she wants to go to college yet. 

Sang woke up one morning to find all the guys gone. They didn't leave a note, and when Sang tried to call, she finds that their numbers are no longer in service. 

She ends up moving back it with Marie, and there relationship after Sang help her study for her for school (Shes a freshmen in college.) Sang finishes her Senior year (online classes) and graduates. Now its summer and wants to get a job that she has come by on her own, instead of giving to her by the boys. 

She interviews for a job at the local Aquarium (yes the one that Axel's apart of.) and meets Axel and, well, Sang is her sweet and caring self and you know, just her, and gets the job. 

I just came up with this last night, and wanted to get it down before I forgot! let me know if this interests you!  I might start updating sooner. 

New Beginnings (Slow Updates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora