Chapter 31: Epilogue

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Author note: Hey guys, thank you to everybody that has stuck with reading this story. I added a little more detail to the last chapter so if you want to go back and reread it you can. The first chapter of the next book will be out later this week.

One year later

Blinking dazed, Jade's eyes peeled open. Soreness spread over her body, her muscles aching and her head throbbing. A groan came from the man next to her, his arm tightening around her and bringing her form closer to his. She glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand and nearly balked. 7:32 p.m.

"Dude, we've literally been in bed all day. No wonder I'm so sore."

"You sure that's not from me fucking you all morning," Dom mumbled against her bare shoulder.

She rolled her eyes and nodded. "It could be from that too."

His fingers trailed over her thighs, and stopped on her stomach. "You're hot. Feels like a fever. I think you should stay in bed."

"I would, but I'm hungry."

A yawn rose from Dom's chest. "You're gonna make me get up too?"

"No, but you have to let go of me."

With a groan, he rolled onto his back, stretching in all his naked glory. She pushed the sheets back and placed her feet on the cold floor, wishing she hadn't left her slippers downstairs. Opening her dresser, she grabbed a t-shirt and put on a pair of blue pajama bottoms.

They mainly slept in her bedroom anymore, since someone suddenly gained a fascination with TV, mainly Netflix. He took over the damn thing anymore, watching Sons of Anarchy and Gotham.

"Bring me back some pizza," he muttered from the bed, blue eyes watching her.

Lately, they'd been doing that. The black gaze burning blue, more so when he looked at her like he did now.

"A slice?"

"The whole box."


He snorted twice in response. "And a beer."

She cut her eyes. "Anything else for the master of the house?"

"Yes, a pack of Oreos, wench."

With a nod, she crept downstairs. The lights were off and the living room was eerily quiet. Drops of sweat lined her skin as she got closer to the kitchen. Holy hell, it felt as if someone left the over on and open. She stopped in the archway, peering into the darkness of the kitchen. A hulking shadow sat at the island counter.

"Zeke, is that you?" she asked, her heart in her throat. Its red eyes glanced up as if answering, "Nope, not Zeke," she said to herself, backing away in a hurry.

She jogged up the stairs, out of breath as soon as she hit the last step.

Before she could say a word. "His mom just killed his woman. That's fucked up."

"There's something in the kitchen," she said, breathless with a hand to her chest.

"Probably a rat."

Her arms rose over her head as she did an outline. "Bigger. Man."

His eyebrow quirked. "You sure it's not your hormones."

Asshole. "Just . . . just go look."

The two of them went downstairs. She peeked around Dom's back as they walked closer to the dining room. Everything was silent. The same. Except this time, the light in the kitchen was on.

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