Chapter 27

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"You do what I ordered?"

Jade grimaced. "Yeah."

"Good girl. I hope you had fun, because this next hour—well, let's just say it's not going to be the highlight of your life." Lucifer smiled, sniffing her hair. "Just as I predicted. Knew he wouldn't be able to control himself. He's too dominant."

The cool breeze swayed the trees above as Marsey set up her alter on the slab of limestone that lay on the ground next to the pit.

"Did you find a mark yet?" Marsey asked, polishing a sharp knife.

Lucifer jerked Jade's neck to the left, then the right, inspecting her skin. On her shoulder, a blood stain lay on her grey shirt. When he found nothing under the stain, he continued his search, scanning over her arms and hands. But it was the glint of a scar on her thumb that caught his attention.

"What do we have here?" he asked with a smile. He glanced at Marsey, "This'll have to do." When he looked back to the girl, he smirked. "I'm surprised he didn't brand you."

Jade's face remained blank as she stared up at him.

"Poor thing, don't tell me you're beginning to regret this?" He brushed his knuckle against her cheek and she jerked away. "I promise you won't feel a thing," he leaned in close to her ear, "except when I'm fucking you in Hell."

Her face still remained cold. He frowned. She was no fun.

"I'm ready to get this over with. Are you done with your voodoo?" He spun on his heel, dragging Jade by the arm and throwing her down on the block.

"Go ahead and tie her up. I'll be done in a minute," the witch muttered as she poured a potion in a glass and stirred.

Five minutes later, Marsey handed Lucifer the knife. "I don't mind if you make this messy."

A sly smile donned his lips. "Noted."

He kneeled next to Jade, gripping her hand in his. He held her thumb in place and swiped deep and slowly over the scar. Her hiss only made him grin harder. Bending his head forward, he sucked at the wound. Too many sensations, memories, and emotions hit him almost immediately. Blinded with sickness, he pushed himself away from the woman and the wretched taste of her soul.

Hacking like an eighty year old man, he slammed his fist on the stone slab. "Dammit!" Swiftly, he turned back to Jade. "What the hell did you do?"

Marsey paled. "What's wrong?"

His breath came out deep and ragged as he glared down at the puny human. "I can't take her soul."

"And why not?" the witch shrieked as she stood with her fists curled.

"Somebody else already has it." He sucked his teeth.

"Then how am I supposed to switch bodies?"

Lucifer thought for a long moment before the corner of his mouth lifted into a half grin. "Change of plans." He turned to Marsey. "How do you feel about selling me your soul?"

Panic pounded through Dom's sternum as he slammed open the doors to the lounge. "Where is she?"

He gained the wide stares of everyone in the room. Aidyn frowned as he laid his pool stick on the table.

Jason perked, pushing off the wall he leaned against, copying Aidyn and laying his stick down. "What are you talking about?"

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