Chapter 7: Not my Type!

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CHAPTER 7: Not my Type!

~~~Stiles's POV~~~

I pull up to the apartment building where Sophia and her dad are staying for now. They are looking at buying a cute little house around the corner from mine which is awesome.

I send Sophia a text saying I'm outside.

A minute later she comes out of the main doors, her bag in one hand a piece of toast in the other.

She climbs in and puts her seatbelt on.

"So sorry, I slept through my alarm," she says taking a bite out of her VEGEMITE TOAST.

"You brought vegemite here and you didn't tell me or better not BRING ME ANY!" I scream at her. She just looks at me and smirks. I quickly take the piece of toast and take a bite out of it.

"HEY," She yells and snatches it back. I just laugh at her and make my way to school.

"How was your first night in Beacon Hills?" I ask while focussing on not driving on the left side like I had for the past 18 months.

"It was pretty good, still a little freaked out that Mum is being released but I really need to stop worrying about that and.." she rambles on. I place my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"It's okay Soph, your mum isn't going to come all the way to America to do anything. Also, she may have changed and before you say anything, yes, she never should have done it in the first place and no one is forcing you to forgive her, but 17 years is a long time What ever you do Soph, I will support your decision to the end." I say causing her to stop rambling.

"Thank you Sty." She says giving me a small smile.

"No problem. You know I'd help you hide a dead body." I say with a grin.

"I thought I told you not to bring that up again," Sophia adding a wink at the end.

We both end up cracking up laughing as I pull into the school parking lot.

I park Rosco and get out noticing that the whole pack is outside. Sophia and I make my way to them.

"Hi," I say once I'm in a vocal distance.

I get a range of different responses.

"What did you guys get up to last night once we left?" I ask, Sophia now standing beside me.

Everyone kind of looks around awkwardly. I look at Sophia and raise my eyebrows in confusion. She just shrugs in response.

"Hello everyone," Zara says coming into the circle that has formed. She looks around and notices the tension that is in the air.

"Stiles, don't get angry at me but I may have accidentally told them you were gay," Zara says shifting from each foot nervously.

"To be fair she didn't actually say it, I figured it out," Lydia says giving Zara a quick smile which she returns.

I just shrug my shoulders, "It's fine Zar, saves another awkward come-out." I say casually.

I look up to see the pack looking at me weirdly.

"Wait you guys are cool with it right?" I ask now scared that my old friends were huge homophobes.

"No no, god mate I wouldn't care if you liked animals, well I would as that's kinda wrong and illegal and all that...anyways you get my point. Plus Ethan here is gay as well." Scott says his face a bit flushed.

"Maybe you and Ethan, aye," Aiden says pointing to the two of us.

I just laugh at the unusual acceptance speeches and know that only my pack would say them.

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