Chapter 6 : Dating?

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CHAPTER 6 : Dating?

~~~Stiles's POV~~~

"Awww look how cute they are."

"They are so adorable."

"We have to wake them up, otherwise they will freeze out here."

"Not before I take a photo."

I listen to the many voices talking around me. I hear a click of what I am assuming is a camera. I open my eyes slowly to see everyone standing around me, varying in looks.

I look down to see Sophia still in my lap sound asleep.

"What do you want?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

"We didn't want you guys getting hypothermia," Isaac says, looking between me and Sophia.

I groan in response and start the shake Sophia awake. She stretches her arms out, whacking my head.

"Ouch, mind your hands, Soph," I grumble while pushing her off of me. She stumbles up and mutters an apology.

We all make our way inside and I flop on the couch. Moments later I feel someone on top of me and instantly know it's Sophia. I am about to say something when I feel someone else piling on.

I grunt in surprise.

"Gee you girls need to lay off the ice-cream," I say, which comes out sort of muffled due to my face being squished into the couch.

I hear them laughing and feel the weight being lifted from my body. I sit up and sit between Sophia and Allison.

"So what's the update on you guys? What are you guys? Or are you all just werewolves?" I say gesturing to the new members.

I look around to see Scott, Derek and all the other organ members looking at me in shock.

"What?" I say confused.

Allison nudged my shoulder and nods her head in Zara and Sophia's direction.

Zara seems to get what they are thinking about.

"Oh, we know about the whole supernatural thing. Stiles kinda spilled when we were all drunk as fuck." She says.

Everyone relaxes to some extent. although I notice that Derek still seems a little tense. And here I thought he had changed a bit.

"Okay, so Kira is a kitsune, the twins are werewolves and can do this cool joining thing. Nothing else has changed really." Scott explains to me.

I nod my head, while everyone sparks up a conversation.

I notice that Zara and Lydia are getting along really well, which doesn't surprise me the least. Maybe, Sophia and I can finally get a break from all the shopping talk.

Sophia, Isaac, Ethan and I were having a serious conversation about a conspiracy theory that Linsey Lohan had a twin sister when we are interrupted my a phone beeping.

Sophia pulls her phone out and reads the text.

"Dad wants me home." She says, putting it back into her jean pocket.

"I'll drive you home," I say as I stand up and grab my keys from the coffee table.

I say goodbye to everyone, going around giving hugs, Sophia doing the same as me.

"Don't kill Zara please," I say towards the whole pack.

"No promises!" Erica says chucking me one of her well know smirks. I smirk back, and make my way towards the front door, pulling Sophia into a side hug.

~~~Isaac's POV~~~

As soon as the front door shuts we all turn our heads towards Zara.

"What?" She says looking at everyone.

"Umm, Since when did Stiles have a girlfriend?" Scott asks.

"You mean Sophia?" Zara says, raising one eyebrow.

"Who else. I mean look at them, how could they not be dating." Allison says.

Zara just starts laughing. I look at Kira who is sitting next to me, and she shares the same look that is on my face. Pure confusion.

We sit there for a few moments waiting for Zara to stop laughing. She finally notices that we are all looking at her for a response.

"No, you guys have got it all wrong. Sophia and Stiles would never date. They are just really close friends. Way closer than Stiles and I or even Sophia and me." She says, brushing down her top.

"Are you sure? From a third person's point of view they look very couple-like." I say. Within the few hours that I've seen them together, anyone would see them as a couple.

"I get what you're seeing, it's not the first time people have thought they were a couple. Trust me, it will never happen." Zara says making sure to get her point across.

"How can you be so sure?" Derek asks.

I look over to see Zara shifting on her spot. "It's not my right to tell." She says.

We all start talking over one another asking different questions, hoping to get an answer out of her.

"Oh my god," Lydia says, causing us all to quieten down.

"He's gay isn't he?" Lydia says looking at Zara.

Zara smiles innocently, while everyone else is in shock.

"Well, this is gonna be an interesting story to tell Stiles isn't it," Peter says popping out of nowhere again.

"Shut up Peter."


OMG 300 READS! Thank you all so much.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and vote and comment.


This book will be on hold for the next 4 weeks, due to my final exams coming up. I plan on focussing on these and didn't want you guys expecting a chapter.

I hope you all understand where I am coming from and yeah.


P.S - I also changed Zara to be played by Annasophia Robb

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