Chapter 5: A Weapon of Choice

Start from the beginning

Once there was a time when he despised himself and his victims, now he despised everyone. It was as if he was living a bad dream - he had no warm feelings towards anyone, he desired nothing the physical world could give him. The knife and the Voice were the only things that made him feel alive. Today his clear head knew that humans were a dangerous species and they should not be allowed to leave. What he did to his victims was brutal, what people did to Earth to fulfill their desires was monstrous. The capacity for humans to do evil was unimaginable. This ship was hell and they were unleashing it on the universe.

His God was reaching for him from the other side.

“Daemien, its time,” it said.

“I’m going," Daemien replied silently.

“Do not be afraid. Only in death you will become truly free. I will be waiting for you.”

“I know. Its ok.”

Daemien put on his uniform and checked if the key card was in his pocket, locked his door and went to his final day at work.



As Daemien approached the engine section of the ship, he noticed a beautiful woman standing at the gate with the security guards. His muscles tightened. It was too late to run, their stares had already met. Now he had to relax, stay calm, and pass them while ignoring their presence. Breathe, Daemien, breathe, he thought. 

The woman took a few steps towards him.

“Good morning Mister Verau. Got some time for a little chat?”

“Not really, I will be late for work.” Daemiens heart was pounding faster and faster.

“I bet nothing will happen if you are. Please follow me. This is not a request.” The guardsmen put their hands on their tranquilizers, nasty things. Daemien had experience with them once in his life, not so pleasant.

Daemien followed her slow steps. There was no escape. He had to endure this ‘talk’.

“So, Miss...”

“Call me Claire, my name is Claire Everton.”

“Miss Claire, why would security be visiting me?”

“Are you aware of your past and of the things you did?”

“Partially, yes, I heard of them but I can‘t remember anything,” he lied, “My frantic days are long gone.”

“They are but did you know that all people convicted of crime are followed or investigated from time to time?”

“You are one of ‘his’ agents, aren’t you?”

“His? If you are talking about the first citizen, then yes, I do represent him.”

I have never noticed being followed. Damn, Daemien thought I was so focused on my mission that I did not pay attention to my surroundings.

“Am I being accused of something?” he asked.

“Should you be accused? Have you done anything wrong?"

That bitch is testing me.  “No.”

“You see, Mister Verau, I’m interested in the effectiveness of reconditioning you received. You were one of the first criminals to get it. To be frank, some people, especially me, have doubts about its effectiveness.”

Daemien felt anxious.

“Miss, perhaps I could visit you at your office some day after work.”

“You can’t, now is the time to talk.” She smiled. “One of the reasons I am here is that we noticed changes in your behavior. People are saying that lately you’ve been closed, that’s what troubles us the most. They said you were very motivated to get promoted. And you got promoted. You would be the one to control the cooling system of the reactor starting today.”

“If you know about me so much, you should know that I’m honest and hard worker. There’s nothing wrong if I want to improve my qualifications is there?”

“There are many sections where you could improve. I am very accustomed with your work. Once I had a year-long assignment to help the Navigator. I know the engine system on a global level; you know it on the local. We both know that even the smallest errors in the cooling of reactors could have devastating consequences. Last week you received the access card to the cooling plant and its controls. I came to make sure it will not turn out to be a mistake.”

Daemiens face could not hide his emotions. He felt frustrated. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.

“What do you want me to do?” he asked.

“Today I want you to go home and tomorrow to come for a scan in the reconditioning center.”

If I had a gun, I would blow my brains out, Daemien thought. He had failed the Voice. Was he ever going to hear it again?

“I will do that.”

“Will you?”

 “Not that I have any choice,” he snapped and walked away with a fast pace towards a large street. He felt lonely and distressed.

The streets were full of people. Daemien bumped into one person, then another, and collapsed. As he was falling down to the cold pavement, he understood it was the end. He tried to reach for the Voice. It was silent. It was not waiting to take him to the other side. No hand was extended to guide him in the tunnel of light.

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