Chapter 29: The Next Step

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Julian Shaw walked in circle round his lab, thinking about the tendency his research had proven during the last few days. There was a way to get to the other side and make a difference, only he was not sure if Tom would agree to make a move that was needed to be made.

Julian let his team go home earlier today and anxiously waited for the man who gave him a chance to prove his theories.  The anxiety came from the worry that he would not meet the expectations of the First Citizen. He had sent many daily reports to Tom Landau, who had replied only twice. Perhaps Tom was satisfied with the progress, Julian did not know. To take next step in his research he needed Tom’s approval and help. He asked the man to come in person.

Julian looked at the chair which stood by a small table close to the door. He came closer and pushed it a few centimeters to the side to put it into ‘proper’ position. There were a couple of tea cups on the table. He gently touched and turned them so their handles would stay on opposite directions.  He had left too much time for waiting. The anxiety became unbearable. He made a few more circles around the lab, trying to relax.

The lab was spacious, filled with modern equipment – a long rectangular table with many tubes, sensors and large chemistry flasks connected with different glass pipes stood in the middle – it had a large bed being assembled with many wires and tubes sticking out of it, a holo-computer with huge and powerful three dimensional projectors was hanging on the celling, many small gadgets lay on the tables covering the perimeter of the room. The layout of the smaller tables in the room was that of the letter ‘O’ .

After realizing that walking doesn’t help, Julian sat down on the same chair he had moved a minute ago. He watched at the clock on the wall, listened it ticking, until someone knocked on the door.

Julian jumped up, strode towards and opened the door. Tom Landau was standing on the other side. He wore the same black uniform as always. The only thing that was different about him was his shorter hair.

“Come in, Sir. Thank you for the visit.” Julian walked to the table with the cups and pointed at the chair. He turned on the boiler which lay on the far side of the table. In a second the water was already hot. “Care for some tea or coffee?” He asked.

“Coffee, thanks.” Tom looked around before taking a seat. “I like order in this place, it’s very clean in here.”

“Thank you.” Julian replied, filling the cups with coffee. Its strong bitter flavor filled the room. “How‘s it going, Sir? Have you got some leads on the sinister entity?”

Tom looked at Julian. The anxiety the man was radiating was almost amusing.

Julian stuttered. ”S-sorry sir for being so straight forward, but the topic I have to discuss with you today is very closely related to him.”

“It’s fine, calm down.”

“O-ok I will.” the old man smiled humbly.

Tom explained slowly and calmly, “I have encountered him a few times. He has quite strange behavior patterns. How should I put it…” he paused. “He can think far out of the box.” Tom looked at the round eyes of the man curiously focused on him and continued talking, “He comes and goes unnoticed. He gets what he wants and disappears. A little sneaky schemer he is, I don’t know what means he’s going to choose to achieve his objective, but I have a feeling in my gut that they could be devastating. We are running out of time. He has ‘infested’ one of my men, and there is nothing I can do about it. I put my people to search for him and bring but achieving it would slow the creature down only a little bit. The entity would find another host. At first I thought he can take over only reconditioned or brain damaged people, but the chances are high that in time he gets stronger and a day might come when he would be able take over anyone he wants.”

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