
"So you think it'll be done before the dead line? You sure........ Well alright. I'll trust you on that one then." He said through the phone as he sat in his chair and slowly spun side to side. "Yes we do need it by then. If it comes later I will be very upset with you."

I looked down at my nails and picked at them, not knowing what else to do. There was noises coming from the other line on the phone and I yet felt like silence was closing in the room.
But then again, I'm silent. I don't speak anymore. Not unless someone wants an answer from me.

"We'll get it done then. I have something to do, I'll call you later tonight, bye." His voice came out a bit harsh before he put the corded phone down where it belonged and adjusted it a bit. His eyes then landed on me and he sighed while the room fell quiet.

I didn't bother looking up at him because I simply had no reason to. I was just there. "Works getting a little frustrating, but you wouldn't know anything about that because you never had a job huh?" He laughed lowly as I just stared at his desk and played with my hands.

He swallowed hard before he scooted his chair closer to the desk till his stomach pressed against it. He cleared his throat before speaking, "So Jackson told me some news." I flinched and whimpered softly as I closed my eyes, trying so hard to block out the memories.

"I'm glad he did what he needed to do. But how do you feel about it? You're awfully quiet." Darson asked as he folded his hands together and placed them on his desk. I opened my eyes and breathed out to calm myself before I went back to playing with my hands.

He sighed, realizing he wasn't getting anything from me. "Allie." He sung before my ears perked and I slowly looked up at him. "Your head was bowed down for so long I didn't recognize the big bruise on your face." He chuckled a bit as if that would cheer me up. I just kept a straight face as I stared at him with no life in my eyes.

"That's a pretty nasty looking bruise, did you do anything to deserve it?" He asked, making my body shake a bit. I just simply shook my head no. Jackson just abused me to make me weak while he raped me.... That's all.

"Hmm, that's surprising. So Jackson did it huh? He finally raped you?" He asked, causing me to grip my hands tightly and tremble. "Allie, I asked you a question." He said as tears filled in my eyes.

I nodded my head as I looked down at my hands. "I want to hear you. You haven't spoken since you came in here." He said. He's doing this to me on purpose. He's trying to get a reaction out of me but there's nothing left in me. I'm not strong or defensive anymore. I failed at that already.

"Yes." I whispered. I hated hearing my voice. It wasn't me at all. It was way to soft and squeaky. Too overly feminine. I then slowly looked back up at him once I realized silence overcame the room again. I was surprised to see him smiling down at me when our eyes met.

"Wow....... He was right you did change. You didn't even defend yourself nor get mad. You're broken aren't you little girl? I can see it in your eyes, you look gone." He said as he pointed at my eyes while I blinked.

"Yes." I replied again but softer. "I knew it could be done." He smirked as I just looked down, not really caring anymore. Everything's gone. Why should I care what they think anymore? "I wish I felt bad for you honey but I don't. My intention all along was for my son to rape you. And it was his too. And it's been accomplished. And I'm very happy. I can't wait to give your dad the news." He smiled happily as I looked up at him with wide eyes at the mention of my father.

"Daddy?" I whispered as I glared at him with glossy eyes. "Yes your dad. I want him to live with the thought of knowing that his own precious daughter has been raped by my son and that it will continue for the rest of your life." He spoke like this was the best news ever.

"When are you going to tell him?" I whispered as I now gained interest in our conversation while I leaned closer to the desk. He chuckled darkly before he moved even closer to me.

"When he gets here." He said clearly as I felt my heart beat quicken for the first time all day.


Ohhhhh snap!
I've been dropping these plot twists.
Hope you guys liked this one!!
Thanks for all the comments and votes!

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