When he was out of sight, Harvey ran straight to the tree and sat down. He took his bag off and opened it. At the very bottom of his bag, there was his secret sketch book and a bag full of pencils and colours.
Harvey wanted to find something to draw. He then spotted some thing where all the flowers were.....
"Toadstools??" He asked himself.
Yes. There were toadstools in between the flowers and the tree bark. Harvey thought the flowers and toadstools were perfect to draw.

He got his sketch book and started to sketch the detail of an orchid. He used fine lines all faint to work on this elegant flower. He got darker as he went along. He did rub out some sketch marks after a few minutes. It took him ten to thirteen minutes to draw a detailed orchid.

"Um..... Sorry..... Is it okay if I sit here??" A girl asked behind him.
He turned around.
"A.... Ali??" He asked.
The girl nodded,"That's me!!"
"Yes. Of course you can sit down!!" Harvey said.
"Harvey right??" Ali asked,"You're the one who fell asleep in maths today!!"
Harvey nodded, going red.
Ali sat crossed legged on the grass beside him.
"Have you been drawing the flowers as well??" She asked.
Harvey nodded,"I've just started."
"I like to draw. It keeps me calm and I feel like I'm in my own world of pure imagination. Like a world of my own," Ali explained to him,"It keeps me relaxed if I'm stressed about my mother."
Harvey nodded,"Me too. I've kept art a secret from all my family."
Ali nodded.

She took out her own sketch book and flipped through the pages.
"Can... Can... I look??" Harvey asked.
Ali nodded and went back to the first page,"They're not that good, but it keeps me busy and happy!!"

Harvey looked at the picture of a grand house. It was tall and a creamy pink colour. There were six windows on the front side of the house and ivy was covering parts of the wall.
"That was my.... Old house. I still live in it when my mum comes over, but I'm living here for the moment," Ali explained.
Harvey turned a page and it was a picture if a woman who looked like an older version of Ali, but her hair was slightly shorter and brighter. But they looked so similar. She wore a short frilly blue dress, not like Audrey's. She was thin and there wasn't many frills on the dress. The dress wasn't poofy, it was just the nice size. She wore a back bow in her hair and white socks that went to her thighs like school socks. She wore black shoes.
"Is this....."
"Yeah. My mother Alice," Ali replied,"That's the first picture I drew of her. She always looked pretty......"
Harvey nodded.
"I wish I was like my mum," Ali sighed.
"But you are pretty. And these are beautiful designs!! I love your work!! They're better than my art!!" Harvey said.
Ali smiled and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.
"Let's see then!!" She giggled.
Harvey shook his head, but Ali managed to snatch the book of him in a second.
"Hey!!" He laughed.
He tried to snatch it off her, but she didn't let him have it back.

The first picture was a tree with bright green leaves and red roses. The tree was in the center of the page and the rest was green land.
"That was the first challenging thing I drew when I was seven," Harvey said,"It took two and a half hours in the space of four days to complete it because I didn't want my mother to find out that I wanted to draw."
"Its really good. It's got so much detail!!" Ali said.
It was obvious that she was impressed.
She looked at another design.

This design was a picture of an island. An island on a blue blanket of sea. Ali recognised this island.
"Auradon??" She asked.
Harvey nodded,"I remember living there when I was a child. Like three years old. So I decided to draw it. I went to the boarder of the isle."
"Sounds like your mother was..... Like she didn't want you to do certain things," Ali said.
Harvey nodded,"She was a very nice woman. Well to us any way. But shed get cross if we did certain things that she didn't like. Sometimes I think it was to protect us, but I font know. Queenie seemed yo please mother the best."
"Oh," Ali said,"Sorry."
Harvey looked at her,"Why?? You haven't done anything wrong. "
"It's just.... It must have been hard for you.... And I brought some dreadful memories to your mind," Ali replied.
"It doesn't matter," Harvey said.

Ali opened her sketch book onto the page where she had already started to draw flowers and a toadstool.
"Wow!!" Harvey exclaimed,"It looks amazing!!"
Ali blushed,"Thanks. No ones said that about my art work before. I keep it private and hidden."
"You should show your art to the world. I bet you'd be good at it!!" Harvey smiled.
Ali giggled,"Really??"
Harvey nodded and carried on with his art work.
All watched him for a bit.
"I like the shading you're doing with your pencil," She said politely.
"Thanks," Harvey said,"I'm self taught."
"Me too!!" Ali smiled.
They both carried on with their artwork. Ali managed to Finnish it within an hour, but she didn't bring her colouring pencils with her, so she needed to do that. Harvey still needed more time. She watched him.

It was almost dark. Harvey should be going inside too. Perhaps Quentin was waiting for him. Maybe he's worried. Maybe he's not. But Harvey didn't want to go back. He wanted to stay there in that moment, doing what he loves with his friend. Ali wanted to stay outside as well. Harvey managed to complete his design in half an hour, except from the colouring. Ali also needed to start colouring.
".....Should we meet tomorrow here so we can Finnish our design??" Ali asked after a moment of awkward silence.
"Yeah," Harvey nodded, putting his book and pencils away,"I need to do some tourney practise tomorrow, but I'll meet you afterwards."
Ali nodded and put all her art equipment back into her bag. Harvey stood up and jumped high. Ali giggled. Harvey laughed, but then stopped. He looked at her, before holding his hand out. Ali grabbed his hand firmly and he pulled her up, causing her to nearly fall into him, but Harvey caught her just in time.
"Be careful!!" He laughed.
Ali laughed with him and nodded.
Ali took her hand out of Harvey's hand and checked her bag.
Harvey sighed.
"I really enjoyed tonight. I haven't had so much fun in years!!" Ali smiled.
"Me neither," Harvey answered,"I enjoyed every second."
They walked into Auradon, talking to each other, whilst making their way into the dorms.......

(Author speaking!!

Eeeeekkkkk!! So cute!! I hoped you enjoyed that chapter because I loved writing the part with Harvey and Ali!!

Do you think they'd make a cute couple??

Yesssss!! Omgoshhhhhh I never thought I had the power to write cute stuff!! Man, I need to write more often, I do, but I get bored easily and I just don't bother writing as good.

So. It was kinda hard to write the part with all the girls on because I'm not a girly girl, so I didn't really know what to write, but I've done this and I'm proud!!

(Also sorry that I haven't been that active, I've been a bit busy. Lame excuse I know but it's true. Well I'm back and I posted a chapter horay!!)

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