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" Captain!? Wait! " Piers said running after Chris. " God damnit it! Chris why run after that girl! We are supposed to be focused on the mission! " Piers said. He was kinda annoying at his captain right now. And couldn't believe that he had to run after his captain to remind him that they have a mission to do.
When I thought I was far enough from the soldier I hid behind a big box. Then I hear the soldier and his voice. " where did she go? She shouldn't be out here it's to dangerous with all these B.O.W. walking around. " Chris said as he looked around. Then he started walking forward. Towards the other way. I stay still. Making sure not to make a move.

After I no longer heard him I got out of my hiding sport and ran back the way I came. But little did I know. Piers was going to be right there. I ran right into him. And we both fell down. But it was kinda awkward. I fell on top of him. " ow! That hurt! Hey watch.....it. Oh it's you. The girl Captain went after. " Piers said as he sat up. I blushed when I saw what type of  position we were in. I got off of him and looked at him.

Then I heard Chris running back. " Piers are you alright? I heard some commotion back here. Oh there you are. " Chris said as he looked at me. " your American? That's kinda shocking to see. What are you doing here? " Chris asked me. I didn't know how to answer him. " Captain to remind you we have a mission to do. Let's get it over and done with. Please? " Piers said.

I got up and slowly backed away. Because the two men were looking at each other really seriously. Which I felt like this whole thing was my fault. Maybe it was and I just didn't know about it. I turned around and was about to make a run for it when one of them grabbed my shoulder. I looked back and it was Piers. But I didn't hear him getting up. He then turned me around and picked me up, and put me on his shoulder.

My checks began a bright pink. " p....put me down. Please? Please put me down! " I said. " not happening. Your only gonna keep running away. And your coming with us for this mission. So make your self comfortable cause your gonna be with us for a while. " Piers said. I looked over at Chris who was laughing. " you guys are just evil. " I said softly looking away.

" Well you shouldn't have kept on running away from us. We aren't going to hurt you. Miss..." "AnnaMaria...but people forget my name sometimes, so if you do forget call me Anna. " I said softly. Both Chris and Piers nodded their head. " Chris Redfield. Captain of the B.S.S.A army. " Chris said with a gentle smile on his face as we looked at each other. " Piers Nivans, second in command. So you young lady better have respect to the both of us you hear. " Piers said. I nodded my head.

" yes yes. I get it. Well anyway I have to respect you guys anyway. So it doesn't matter. " I said with a slightly soft giggle. It was a long walk to get to the place where the soldiers had to be. But we finally made it. Piers finally decided to put me down. " Ok AnnaMaria. Stay behind either Chris or I. Because this mission isn't save. " Piers said looking at me. I nodded my head and stayed behind Chris.

Two other soldiers opened the door and ran inside. Behind them was Piers, Chris and I. Then shooting began. In the middle of the room there was some guy. H...he like mutated. His arm is bigger then his body and it's long enough to knock out the other soldiers. All the soldiers were shooting at it. But it was using its arms to protect its self.

This is so crazy. I never saw anything like this. And h...he's like a spider. H...he has more then one eye. The monster or whatever looked around and saw me. Then was walking right towards me. " Oh no you don't! " Chris yelled and started shooting at it. Finally Chris shot it in the head and it fell on the floor. All the monsters or enemies or whatever they are was all dead. " Ok everyone! Head to the stairs!! "

Chris ordered and all the other soldiers started making their way to the stairs. I was about to go but Chris and Piers stopped me. " are you alright? " " Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for protecting me. " " it's our job now. As well as this mission. So stay with us and we will keep you save. " Chris and Piers said. I softly smiled and nodded my head.

' and I shall try do the same. I shall try to protect you guys as well. But I wonder how they would act if they found out about my wings? ' I thought to my self. " lets go now. " Piers said. Chris nodded his head and started heading to the stairs. Piers followed Chris, and so did I. I had to stay with those guys anyway. They are trying to keep me safe. And they barely know me. Which I find really sweet.

But also it's there job to. So they kinda have no choice to protect me or not. Maybe it was my fault from running away from the lab. But if I stay who knows what more they would have done to me. And for sure I didn't want to find out. But I knew they were still looking for me. I had a strong feeling in my stomach that they wouldn't let me go. That I was there best creation yet. And because I was for sure they wouldn't let that go.

But I still don't understand why him? I keep thinking about this all in my head. I look up at Chris and Piers then looked down. ' if they found out about my wings. Would they kill me? Or would they send me to a lab for more testing? Can I trust anyone? No I can't. I can't now because of what they have done to me. I could be sent back to the lab again for more testing. And who know even worse testing than before. Or worse they will kill me....' I thought to my self as we were walking through the building we just got into to.

{ alright! I'm gonna stop there. Sorry this took a while. Again school and work. And now my depression. I'm sorry. I will try to release next chapters as soon as I can. I hope you guys enjoy. And I do hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. But have an awesome day! And hope to see you soon! Thank you! 😜😘😝🤣😍🖤❤️💙}

The B.O.W. { Resident Evil 6 FanFict } Where stories live. Discover now