Run away

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James picked me up and walked out of the room. And then we walked into another room. He put me in a chair. " now let's get you dressed shall we? " James asked.

I nodded my head softly. " can I dress myself? " I asked softly. James looked at me then nodded his head. " yes of course. I shall leave you to get dressed. But if you need anything I will be right outside. " James said and left the room. I nodded my head and looked around.

' get dressed first then try to escape. I need to get out of here. I need to find a way home. I need to know where I am. ' I thought to my self. I forced my self to get up. But I fell on the ground. I growled and got up. I softly smiled when I was on my two feet. Then I got dressed.

They didn't have anything in my style. So I was stuck a stupid dress. God I hate dresses. Well I am a tomboy. Not a girly girl. So it makes sense in a way. After I was done. I softly sighed. Then I looked around the room.

' need to find a way to escape. ' I thought to my self. Then, I looked up. And there was a hole in the ceiling. I slight smirked. ' found it. Now time to escape. ' I thought to my self as I put on some sneaks. Then I grabbed a chair that was in the room. I climbed on the chair and jumped up to the ceiling.

I then pulled myself up. I smiled. The view was beautiful the sunset was falling. Then I looked around. After I walked away from the hole. So if James walked in. He wouldn't see me up here.

I then walked to the edge of the building and looked down. I widen my eyes. " I....I'm in China!? No way!? How!? And why?? " I said to my self and looked down. I put a finger on my chin, to think. ' out of all people? Why would they wanna test me? I'm nothing special. So why me? Why not someone else. ' I thought to my self.

" I need to find a way down. But how? " I said and looked around. I sighed and started walking around. Trying to find my way down from the building. I saw some rope on the roof. It was already tied up against something. I followed the rope and saw how far down it does. I nodded my head and took the rope. Then I started going down.

" I still can't believe I'm in China. And I can't believe I'm doing this. " I said going down the building. It took a while. But I got to the ground. I sighed and looked around. " AnnaMaria!? Where are you going!? Get back here!? "

James yelled from above. I looked above and shook my head. Then I began to make a run for it. " get her! Go after her! Don't loose her! Make sure she get back here! We can't allow her to escape! Or Simmons will kill us all if he found out she ran away. " James yelled. The men working for Simmons nodded their heads and left the room. Making their ways to the stairs and down the building.

I was still running. Scared for my life. ' why can't they just leave me alone already? " I thought to my self as I keep running away. I didn't know where I was going, but I was going. I didn't dare to look back. And I wasn't planning of allowing those men to catch me. Hell no. I'm not going back in that lab.

Whatever they did to me was enough. I'm not going back. And I was going to make sure of it. They could say whatever they want. James and Simmons would forget about me anyway. Or that if what I hope they would do sooner or later. To be honest, I find Simmons a really weird guy. What I really want to understand is why me? Why kidnapped me and used me for whatever?

There are millions of other people in this planet that they could have used......or maybe they did. And I was just one of the lucky ones? A lot of bad thoughts were coming out of my head. ' did they do this to anyone else? How many people did they kidnapped and used? Did the other ones make it? Where are they if they did? If they didn't where would happen to them? What did they do to me? '

All of those type of thoughts. I was still in the city. And I had to find a way out of the city. But China has a really big city. I think it was one of the hugest city around the world. And for sure I was in the city. Would anyone help me? Save me? Or would do anything for me? I wondered a lot of things. And at times what I thought scared me. 

I saw a few soldiers. I didn't know if they were Chinese or American, but I tried to catch up with them. But they were gonna. I didn't know what was happening but I didn't like it. There were so many screaming going around. I looked up and saw a helicopter. It flew into a building. I stopped running and looked at what just happened.

" hey!? You there!? What are you doing!? " I heard someone yelled at me. I look to see who it was. It was one of those soldiers. They were American soldiers. That one solder came closer to me, and I got scared. What if he was working  for Simmon. I then began to start running again. I don't know who to trust anymore. Even since Wesker brought in this world, I can never get out. I also don't know who to trust.

Could I trust anyone? It's been year since I came here. I found my house in the game and I started living there again. But now I'm in China. It's gonna take a long way to get home. And who knows who is going to be after me, and working for Simmons now. I can't trust anyone. I didn't know who to trust either.

{ alright I'm gonna leave it there. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Love yea and have an awesome day see you next time! And please do read my other story's. By by! 😂😝🤣😍😘💕💕 }

The B.O.W. { Resident Evil 6 FanFict } Where stories live. Discover now