" Good, then it falls with what the bestiary says, the Kanima seeks a friend right?" Allison spoke up. My eyes darted around at everyone who looked confused and stressed. 

"Okay, hold on so somebody watches Jackson video himself turning into the Kanima then erases part of  it so Jackson wouldn't know? Who would do that?" Stiles looked around the group for suggestions. Nobody said anything. 

" Someone trying to protect him?" Allison suggested. 

" Wait hold on you said that what you found online about the Kanima is that it goes after murders. What if that's actually true." Scott suggested. All of our heads snapped up at Stiles waiting for an answer. 

" No it can't be. It tried to kill all of us remember. I don't know about you but I havn't murdered anybody lately." Stiles said sarcastically. Stiles turned and rose his eyebrows at us. I can't believe he is asking us if we have ever killed anyone! Well of course we are trained to fight and kill our enemies but we havn't had an attack for fifteen years, that was when most of us were four or five. Emmett looked at all of us then crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. 

" No, none of us have killed anyone." Emmett answered. " Yet." Riley glared at Stiles letting a low growl rumble through his chest taking a step forward licking his lips. Emmett growled a warning and Riley backed off. I held a smirk from crawling on my lips. 

" I don't think it was actually trying to kill us." Scott turned to Allison. " Remember at Issac's house, it just went right by us didn't it." 

" Your right it just ran off." Allison nodded her head as she spoke. Scott quickly turned back to Stiles. " And it didn't kill you in the garage." 

" Well yeah, but it tried to kill all of us and Derek at the pool." Stiles said soflty.

" Did it?" Scott looked around at everyone. The rest of my pack nodded, I played back that night remembering every detail. Holding Derek in my arms, feeling his warm breath on my neck. Oh god no Sky! Stop! Stop that right now! I shook my head and replayed the way the Kanima attacked us. 

" Actually it didn't really go all the way after us. All it did was paralyze us. You'd think it would go for the kill when we were helpless, but it didn't. " I looked up and everyone was sitting and thinking in silence. 

" Yeah, but it was waiting for us to come out when the three of us was in the pool." Stiles argued. 

" What if it was trying to keep you in?" Scott looked from Stiles to me. I shrugged in response. Stiels eyes grew wider. " Why do I feel violated all of the sudden." 

" Because there is something else going on and we don't know what it is. We don't know anything about what's going on with Jackson or why someone's protecting him." " Know thy enemy." Allison suddenly inturupting. Everyone looked at her. 

"What?" Scott asked. Allison glanced at him. " Something my grandfather said." She explained. 

" You mean that crazy supernateral hunter?!" Brittney asked. Allison nodded. 

" Well we can't have these hunters finding out about our kind. That will just be more trouble for us." Emmett said determined. My body went rigid. I could feel my canines sharpening from ancxiety. I quickly bit down on my tounge piercing the skin. I quickly swallowed my hot blood before it would leek out of the corners of my mouth. Emmett is going to literally kill me when I tell him what else is going on.

" All right I got it. Kill Jackson problem solved." Stiles suggested. All of my pack nodded in agreement. 

" He risked his life for us. Agianst Peter, Remember that?" Scott snapped.

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