Start from the beginning

"Nobody ain't ever gave me shit! Fuck her and her life.", I yell. A few people look back and stare at us.

Justin stands up and pull his pants up. "It's coo Juno. Do you.", he walks out and I grab my face.


King and Carmelo came over earlier. King explained everything to my mom. To find out they went to school together. Mom understood and she was once in my place. Knowing that some bad ass people are after me is scary. I talked to Daren earlier and he understood too. He's pissed but he understands. Also I gotta stay with Juno.

"This is gonna be a month outta hell.", I vent to Tierra. She giggles and I don't find anything funny.

"Juno is okay Aniya. I mean just because you are with Daren and he is with someone else doesn't mean anything. You and Daren are cute though. I knew y'all would join up one day.", she coos. I smile and bite my lip.

"Can I tell you a secret?", I ask her closing my eyes.

"Bitch what you mean? I'm yo damn best friend of course you can tell me. Who you been telling my secrets to?", she asks sounding serious.

"Nobody hoe... Umm... I'm not a ya know what anymore.",, I say in code. The phone gets silent and I hear Tierra scream. I pull my ear away from the phone.

"OH SHIT! NIYA GOT SOME DICK! Bitch spill!", she yells. I laugh and put my foot up. Tierra and I don't talk everyday but we know where we stand. I tighten my cast and sigh.

"Daren. The night when Juno acted a fool. It was not planned it just... happened.", I tell her. I start thinking about the night and how Daren body was banging.

"Oooooo Daren do look like he got a big dick. ", she says .

"Don't eye rape my man bitch.", we both start laughing and I sigh. "I just don't want him thinking I'm fucking Juno. I want to stay with LJ. I feel more safe and.. I don't know. He just seems more like a brother to me", I explain to her.

"Daren knows you love him Niya. You gave him your most prized possession. Face it no one can take his place. ", she tells me honestly.

"Yeah your right. Someone just pulled in the driveway. I'll call you when I get some juice on my life.", I tell her.

"You better. Your life gonna be a reality show.", she says. I laugh and hang up. I place my head on my pillow and sigh. Sometimes I wish I hadn't of met Juno. But then I wouldn't know LJ, Justin or Carmelo And they are like brothers to me.

"Knock knock.", I hear my moms voice and I look at her. She walks in and Juno follows in after her. My heart starts skipping beats and it's because I'm kinda scared.

"Hey", I say quietly.

"Well her bags are already packed. I really trust you with my daughter. You guys are so cute.", I groan and Juno looks my way. "I'll give you guys some time. When you're done come down and say your goodbyes", mom walks out and shuts the door.

"She doesn't know does she?", he asks me referring to us. I nod my head and he gives a simple head nod. "Is this it?"

"Yeah that's all. Look if I'm in your way I ca-", Juno cuts me off.

Loyalty: Something Dishonest Where stories live. Discover now