Chapter 11 :Operation BONDING begins Part 1)

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The Big three were confused by their wives recent behavior , they were much sweeter.

Zeus was honestly confused, his wife was always in an angry mood with him, how come after so may centuries she suddenly became sweet, it was confusing.

He even tried asking her what's wrong this is how it went.

Z: Honey , is everything alright?

H: Of course, everything is perfectly fine

Z:Are you sick or something?

H: No, I am as fresh as a daisy in a summer garden.

Z: Do you remember bumping your head somewhere?

H: No, I only bumped into you <3<3

Z: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt?????

Poseidon was used to his wife being nice, but she was being kinda like Aphrodite .
For example :~

P: Amphrite, did you see Percy's toy ?

A: No, my sugar plum, maybe it's in his cot.

P:Nevermind , I found it anyway.

A:That's awesome sweetheart .

P:Did you see Triton anywhere around?

A:He said he went to the gardens , darling*Giggles*

She hasn't been this sweet to him since she wanted a piece of jewelry so badly

Hades on the other hand, was honestly surprised that his wife was actually kind, but way too kind and cheery.
His current situation was a perfect example.

H:Persephone, Did you see Hazel anywhere ?

P: She is with Me, my love.

H: Oooookay ,I 'll need go to the underworld, some forms to fill.

P: Be Safe, sweety 

H: Safe? Why should I be safe ?

P: I don't want you to be hurt ,Do I?

H: Umm... No?

P:Hazel and Nico need their father to be there right, the won't like it to see you hurt badly .

H:That's true 

*Awkward Silence and then Hades Leaves Silently *

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