"Is this about Jungkook?" She chuckled.

"No. Jimin's alive."

There was a low thud accompanied an abrupt silence. You suspected that she'd either fell off her bed or her phone had slipped out of her hands. There was brief fumbling on the other end, and Jungyi was back on the line.


You chuckled dryly, "You heard me."

"But.. how?"

"From what Youngmin said, Jimin didn't die when he got washed away by the strong currents, but instead fell into a coma and was cared for by doctors in one of the more rural areas of Jeju. And yeah... you sort of know what happened next."

"Woah..." You heard Jungyi suck in a breath, "So.. does Jungkook know?"

Your voice dropped, "He doesn't. I couldn't bear to spoil his birthday."

"And, will you tell Jimin?"

"I don't know, I'm so conflicted right now," You wailed into your phone, much to the chagrin of those seated around you on the train.

"Oh my... this is shaping up to be a huge disaster. I'm really sorry, [Y/N], but I'm busy right now so I can't go down to meet you know, but keep me updated, alright?"

"It's okay, Jungyi. I will," You mumbled.

And the line cut off. The train inched forward.

The stranger who had been sitting next to you this whole time nudged you, "Nice story. Is that for a drama?"

You mumbled, sagging further into your seat, "I wish."

The white, sterile environment of a hospital had always scared you, and you couldn't help but wrap your arms around yourself as goosebumps appeared on your arms. You gripped onto your phone tightly as you peered at a text message Youngmin had sent just minutes ago.

Jimin hyung's in room 1907.
(read 10.09pm)

The nearly empty hallways did nothing to soothe your nerves as you made your way pass the identical wooden doors of the hospital suites until one of the doors caught your attention.

It read: Room 1907. Patient: Park Jimin.

It was Jimin's room, no doubt.

The pounding of your heart intensified when you pushed open the wooden door with shaking hands, the purified air of the hospital suite making you stiffen against your will. You turned around, not daring to look up from the floor as you closed thr door behind you softly.


You raised your eyes nervously, and there sat Jimin. His voice still sounded the same as it did in your memory of him, albeit a little more gruff. He looked like he'd lost a little weight judging by his slightly hollowed out face and smaller face, which was a given since he'd been in a coma for three years. Jimin looked paler than ever, but other than that, he could still maintain a presence in the room, once which used to be able to reassure you but now, made you fraught with nerves.

He'd been reading a book, with Youngmin by his side, and looked up when you'd opened the door, his ears perking up at the slightest sounds. A wide grin spread across his face as you made your way over to him slowly, the uncertain expression on yours a complete contrast to his.

Youngmin got up, mumbling something about needing to give the both of you space and in moments, the door closed once again, leaving both you and Jimin alone in the room.

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