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The day had passed in a hurry and soon, it was already night fall, even though the sun still hung high in the sky. Dinner was in a few hours (courtesy of Seokjin's strict schedule) and you were currently drying off your body after taking a long and relaxing hot bath in the marble bathtub in the huge bathroom.

Jungkook had taken his shower before you- you had been greeted by a myriad of scents lingering in the still steaming bathroom after Jungkook had exited- and was probably passing time by checking his work emails or watching the shows airing on the local television.

It was only after you had finished drying off that you realised that you had left all of your clothes outside, in your luggage. You gripped the knob of the door, ready to stick your head out to ask Jungkook to help you, when the door of the room burst open with a loud thud.

Your heart pounded as you quickly retreated back into the bathroom. A voice which vaguely sounded like Taehyung's rang out in the room and after pressing your ear against the wooden door of the bathroom, you heard Jungkook gasp in surprise.

Why was Taehyung here? You frowned, trying to piece together everything that had just happened.

Just then, a chill ran through your body, and you were immediately reminded of your current predicament. The bathroom was cooling at a rapid speed and if you weren't going to get dressed, at this rate, you were going to catch a horrible cold.

Groaning, you pounded your head against the cool, tiled wall of the bathroom before covering yourself the best you could, with one of the huge fluffy towels which the hotel had provided. You pulled open the door again, just by a sliver this time.

"Jungkook," You whisper-shouted the best you could while holding your makeshift bathrobe around your body as firmly as possible.

"Did you hear something?" You heard Taehyung ask Jungkook.

"Not really," Jungkook replied, "Must've been the wind."

You tried calling out for him a few more times, but with Taehyung's loud and annoying guffaws presiding over any other noise, you wouldn't be in the least surprised if the both men couldn't hear you.

"Jungkook!!" You nearly stomped your feet on the floor out of despair.

Suddenly, the conversation between the both of them died down.

"I just heard.... [Y/N]'s voice?" Taehyung asked after a moment or two of silence, "She was yelling your name?"

"And why would she be? Give me a sec," You heard Jungkook get up from wherever he had been sitting with a grunt.

A moment later, he rapped on the door of the bathroom gently.


"Jungkook, could you pass me my clothes-"

"What? I can't hear you," He answered back, sounding muffled.

Without a warning, you jerked the door open a notch, thrusting your face into Jungkook's. He stepped back, his face frozen in a surprised expression when he noticed all you had on yourself was a huge towel.


"Jungkook, my clothes are in my luggage, could you get them for me?" You mumbled into his ear, wanting Jungkook to move quickly, but on the contrary, he stood rooted to the spot, his gaze unmoving.

"Quit staring and get moving," You hissed, pulling the towel tighter around your body in a defensive manner. Jungkook blinked, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Clothes.... luggage," Jungkook mumbled, starting towards the door of the room.

You giggled, "The room's in the other direction."

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