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Kirstie: Hiiiii

Scott: Hellooooooo

Mitch: Heyyyyyyy

Kirstie: Lol anyway

Kirstie: I had such a good idea

Scott: !!!

Mitch: What is it

Kirstie: So when we graduate from high school

Kirstie: We should go on a road trip 2gether

Kirstie: As in just us

Kirstie: ...and maybe Avi :)

Mitch: We still have 2 years

Scott: ^

Kirstie: So?

Mitch: What if we aren't even friends anymore by then :(

Kirstie: What could possibly stop our friendship?

Scott: ^ tru and we've been friends since we were 8

Mitch: Why r we planning this early anyway

Kirstie: Idk it sounded like a good idea

Scott: Well even if we can't go on a trip together

Scott: I'll still be happy that we stuck together :3

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