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Kirstie: So...are y'all going to the dance together or something?

Mitch: Uh yeah but as friends. U can join if u want

Scott: ^

Kirstie: I guess I'll come

Kirstie: I wish Avi could be there :(

Mitch: It's like ur having a long distance relationship with him

Scott: ^

Kirstie: ...true but we aren't in any sort of relationship

Mitch: Not now ;)

Scott: ^

Kirstie: Is that all ur going to say

Scott: ^

Kirstie: :I

Mitch: We should all wear matching clothes

Kirstie: Only couples do that lol. The perverts at our school will think we're gonna have a threesome or something ._.

Mitch: That's v attractive

Scott: ^

Kirstie: I wonder when someone will actually have the guts to ask me out

Mitch: Maybe soon

Kirstie: I don't like the word soon

Kirstie: It makes me anxious lol

Kirstie: ...can u keep a secret

Scott: ?? sure

Kirstie: Well u already know but Mitch doesn't

Mitch: I love secrets

Kirstie: ...I think I have a crush on Avi...and I've never even met him...

Avi: You do realize that I'm in this chat, right?

Kirstie: WTF

Kirstie left the chat.

Mitch: I'll go talk to her dw

Scott: I literally left just to get soda and come back to this ;-;

Don't Talk to Strangers Online [Kavi]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon