Where To First?

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I took the bag from his hands and glanced at what was inside then looked back up at him. A smile appeared on his face "Go ahead open it." Inside the bag was something blue, yellow, and white. I pulled it out of the bag and read "Fishers Girl" above the number 12. He got me a personalized Predators jersey, how sweet of him. "Awww Mike I love it!." I said then gave him a kiss. "Good I'm glad you do!" he said with that beautiful smile of his. "So for tomorrows game I want to see you wearing it." "And if I don't?" I said with a smirk. "Well then I might just have to take it back." He said grabbing the jersey and putting it back in the bag. "No no no! I'll wear it." I said with a giggle and grabbing it out of his hands.

Its around 11:30 Mike was working out while I made us lunch. For Mike two BLT sandwiches and for myself a nice salad. I walked over to the workout room and told Mike that his food was ready and he joined me at the table. "So I talked to my mom this morning." "Oh yeah what did she say?" Mike said with his mouth half full. "Weeeell..." I said picking at my food. Mike then mocked me "Weeeell what?" "She said that she wants to meet you, she also said that she thinks its time that I meet your parents as well." "Really!? That's great! I would love to meet her, and for you to meet my parents!" he said excitedly. "Really?" "Yes! I have been wanting to talk to you about it but I just didn't know if you wanted to, and I didn't want you to feel like I'm rushing you into things." "Aww Mike you should've said something. You're not rushing into things I think that its time that we meet each others parents." "Great! When do you plan on going?" "Well you see that's what I wanted to talk about. When are you free from hockey?" "Well I'll be free until Tuesday. How about you? When are you free?" "I don't have to go back to the studio until next week so I'm free until Wednesday." "Well then great! We'll leave tomorrow after my game?" "Sure that sounds great!" I say with a huge smile on my face. "So where are we going first." Mike says talking his plate to the sink. "My parents?" "Alright sounds good to me."

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