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A few days have passed since Mike and I met up at the restaurant, we are now back together. I'm so happy to be back with him, he makes my life complete. I don't ever want to lose him again. 

It's now Friday and Mike had an early morning practice so I'm just at home with the pups for a few. I haven't talked to mama in a while so I decided to give her a call. After a couple rings she answered. "Carrie!!" "Hey mama how have you been!?" " Missin you like crazy, how have you been?"

"Awww mama I miss you too! And I've been great! Mike and I are back together now and everything is back to normal." I say with a smile on my face. "That's good baby. Ya know...I'd like to meet him soon..." "Really?" "Yes! When are you guys comin to see me?" "Well I don't really know, we haven't talked about meeting the parents yet."

"Sweetie you guys have been together for like what 8 months now? It's time for you guys to meet the parents." I hesitated for a moment before I spoke. "Carrie?" mama said in a concerned tone. "Mama...what if Mikes parents don't like me?" "Sweetie they're going to love you! Who wouldn't love you, you're beautiful inside and out, you have a big heart, you always know how to put a smile on someones face, and you always put others before yourself. Honey trust me they're going to love you, just be yourself." My eyes started to tear up.

"Awww mama! I love you so much, I don't know what I'd do without you!" "I love you too babygirl!" I could hear keys outside the door which means Mike was home. "Well mama I'm gonna have to go now, Mike is home and I want to talk to him about all of this. Tell daddy I said I love him and hopefully I'll see you guys soon!" "Okay baby, buh bye." As soon as I said bye Mike walked through the door.

" I got up and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. "Well hello to you too!" he said with a smile. "How was practice?" "Ehhh it was alright, just the same stuff we do at every practice." I saw that he had a gift bag in his hand.. "Mike whats that?" "Whats what?" he said looking jokingly confused. "Ohhh you mean this!" "Yeah!?" He then handed me the bag. "It's for you." 

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