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I was awoken by a loud noise coming from downstairs. I sat up in bed and looked around my room. I saw that Yang was up too. "Yang? What was-" I was cut off by a blood screeching yell.

"Ruby stay here" Yang said as she got out of bed and slowly opened the door. There was more noises but this time louder. She turned back to me. "Ruby, whatever you do, don't go downstairs. I'll be back" she said before leaving.

I waited for what felt like hours but was only minutes. That is...until I heard it. The scream of someone just before something went off.

I quickly stood and rushed out the door and down the stairs. I stopped dead at the bottom when I saw...when I saw them. Yang was trying to wake dad but his once sparkling eyes, were dull.

I looked at mom and saw that she was talking as blood dripped from her mouth. I ran over to her and held her hand.

"M-m-mom!!?" I stuttered as I looked into her silver eyes. She looked at me and smiled softly. "I-it's o...o-kay" she said between gasps of air. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched her bleed.

"Mom, pl-please d-don't g-go" I said which only caused her to smile more. She lifted her hand and pointed behind me. I followed her finger and saw she was pointing at two boxes.

One has red and grey wrapping and a black bow while the other was black and yellow with a purple bow. I looked back at her.

She smiled...then...she was gone. I cried as I held her in my arms. I looked over and saw Yang whipping away her tears as she sat besides dad.

"Th-they're g-gone Rubes" she whispered and I let out a heart shattering cry. I rested my head on mom's chest as I cried. I heard shuffling then a gasp. I lifted my head and looked behind me to find Yang putting on bracelets.

"Th-they're weapons" she mumbled as she handed me my box. I sniffled and tore the wrapping before opening the box. Inside was a red cloak along with a scythe.

I slowly lifted my gaze to mom's body and cried more. She remembered what I wanted. She always did...

"Ruby!!" I gasped for air as I sat up. I looked around me until my eyes landed on a pair of eyes. I pushed her away from her and dropped my head in my hands.

"Same dream?" I nodded as I ran my hand through my short black hair. She sighed. "I know, it's tough sis" she said as she stood from my sleepingbag.

I nodded my head before standing up. "Yeah...where's Blake and Wiess?" I asked and she shrugged. "I don't know. Wiess said something about looking around the place and Blake just wants to be alone"

I nodded. "I'll be down in a few" I said and she nodded then left. I sighed as I threw on a black skirt along with a black shirt and my red cloak. I put my combat boots on and brushed my hair.

My name is Ruby. Ruby Rose. Some know me by name, others know me by my cheery voice. But they don't know about my past.

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