Chapter 8

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Sorry for not updating recently! Been super busy, but here we go. Adding some "fluff" to the story! :) Enjoy!


*Yixing's POV

"Yixing... Yixing..." I hear a faint voice echoing my name.

As I peel open my eyes, rays of sunlight seep in. The smell of fresh apples fill my nose as I look up into a pair of sparkling brown eyes.

"Good morning sleepy head."

"Good morning." I smiled at the voice.

Caroline stretched her arms out to the side and breathed in deep.

"I feel refreshed."

"Me too. Did I sleep here all night?"

"Yep, we were laying here and I was reading out loud and you dozed off."

"Oh." I sat up in bed and yawned.

She giggled at me and patted my head.

"You're always falling asleep." She teased.

"Am not."

"Are too. You even fell asleep during the movie the other day." She pouted.

"I guess you're right. It's just because we've been working so much recently."

"I know. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Hmm, ramen."

She stared at me blankly. "For breakfast?"


"Ok then." She smiled and got up.

I looked around her room and took everything in. The way everything was organized and clean. Even her open closet was tidy.

I grinned.

We met three and a half months ago. This Friday marks our one month anniversary.

"I gotta plan something." I got up and pulled on a new shirt and walked into the kitchen.

*Caroline's POV

As I poured the broth over the noddles in each bowl I heard footsteps enter the room.

"It's almost done."

I feel two arms snake around my waist and a spot of warm pressure on my neck.

"It tickles me when you kiss me there." I giggle as I set the pot down.

"I can't help it. You're so kissable."

"Just eat." I wiggle out of his arms and bring our bowls to the table.

"Ok, ok."

I smirk at him as he picks up his chopsticks and takes a bite.

I do the same, all while watching for his reaction.

"It's delicious!"

"I'm so glad you like it." I coo at him.

"Of course I would. You cook so well."

I blushed and kept eating.

"I've got practice soon. And I won't be able to sleep over for a while."

"Oh ok. Did you wanna take a shower before you go?"


I watched as he finished eating and went to take a shower.

While humming, I took our bowls to the sink and cleaned them.

"Hey, can you grab me some jeans out of my bag?" I hear him calling to me.

"Sure!" I grab his jeans and walk to the bathroom.

As I opened the door, steam poured out and my face grew red. He was standing in nothing but a towel.

And he looked hot.


"Nothing, here." I practically threw his jeans at him.

He grinned at me. "Thanks babe."

Our eyes locked and my heart thumped loud in my chest.

His face grew near to mine and so did his bare chest.

I braced myself as our lips collided and his body was pressed to mine.

His tongue pressed against my teeth, wanting access and I granted it. His hands wrapped around my waist as mine caressed his neck.

My body felt heat and passion like I've never felt before. And I knew, it was about to get hotter.


Huehue :3 am I killing you guys yet with so much feels? I hope so.

This is Part 1 of a very sexy scene between Caroline and Yixing.

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