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Ok guys, I promise it's only the beginning that's a little boring but it gets way better as you read on.

This is just a short intro btw, just to give you some background info about Caroline. :)



*Caroline's POV

Sweat dripped from my hairline as I took a gulp of water.

Another exhausting day in the studio.

Mirrors surrounded me as I continued my dance routine.

I am now 18. Graduated from high school, yet still here in America trying to figure out what to do with my life.

Loud vibrations fill the room as I glance over to the table. My phone screen was lit up, telling me I had a phone call.

Switching off the radio, I blot my forehead with a damp rag and answer it.

"Hello?" It's my mom.

"Hey! You'll never believe this! Your acceptance letter from SNU came!! The said they will contact us soon for travel and living information!" She was talking so fast.

My mouth dropped open.

"NO WAY! YOU'RE LYING!" I screamed into the phone, almost dropping it.

She squealed along with me.

We talked some more and then I hung up. I tried to slow down my heart and think.

"Is this for real?" I thought out loud to myself.

I had sent the application months ago with no reply, until now that is. I had thought maybe that had declined it.

The surreal feeling consumed me as I restarted my routine.

Watching myself in the mirror, I noticed I was dancing better, and more focused.

A huge smile was plastered to my face.

I'm moving to Korea.



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