Letter Six

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   Dear Dakota,

You weren't the nicest person I knew. Hell, you didn't even come close in comparison despite all your provoking quirks and childish miscellaneous I felt obligated to address this letter to you. Not for mere gratification or to be funny, but as a nod to our similarities. Hopefully I can obliterate the line where we met. There's a pit of guilt I have for not saying this sooner, in hindsight I could never find the time. Time is control, there is never enough time. Beginning  at 9:00 o'clock that night, in that kitchen. The one that is directly above the staircase - not the "normal" kitchen that is usually downstairs. Perhaps during this I could subside the notion that we were ever "friends" since camaraderie always comes to pass.
I'd just arrived at the party when Annette told me that you were telling everyone she was "sleeping around", you know whatever the hell means. What does that mean anyway? What gives you the right to decipher someone else's actions? You don't have the right! If it's any consolation I don't either, neither does anyone though they may feel obligated to do so. You were not granted some superiority complex that affords you the right to judge anyone on what they may or may not be doing with their time..in private or public. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is, so when you were at the punch bowl spiking it more than it was already spiked, you failed to realize that you could given someone -anyone in that house -who wanted fruit punch alcohol poison. That liquor, or whatever was strong as hell. But, we're all just careless, miserable teens right ? Just wanting some sort of comfort in a whirling pit.

You can't just keep pulling everyone down because you can't control your emotions, Dakota. Lock yourself in your bedroom, stay home from school, jog a little longer, eat another cookie, do what you have to do to get yourself together. The problem isn't with, nor has it ever been with anyone's sex life or Kerry's hair, or my weight, it's about you trying to find validity in anything you could conjure in the moment and that sucks. I know from personal experience that it sucks sometimes and it feels that your swirling at major contrapol when you can't give yourself enough credit; that's something beyond your control right now, but it can be learned. It's not atrocious that you were not able to self actualize.I do hate that you're going through this trying time. Take a little time, get to know yourself, apparently you'll find that's there's more to love than hate.

See you down the road, Clementine

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