
"Because girls and boys are meant to be together silly!" She said.

"But what about my Daddy and Papa? They're both boys." I said.

"My Mummy says it's wrong." She said and I started getting a bit upset.

"It's not wrong! It's not!" I shouted at her, tears coming to my eyes.

"Calm down Hazza I'm only telling you what my Mummy said. Does it not annoy you? Not having a Mummy?" She asked.

"Go away!" I screamed. "Get away from me." I started shaking as memories of my mum came into my head.

"Harry! Harry what's wrong sweetie?" Miss Edwards called over while she was talking to Kaelin.

I went to walk towards her but I tripped and fell over one of the discarded litter pickers. I landed on my arm and heard a snap. Straight away my screams became louder as they became ones of agony.

"Harry! Oh my god!" Miss Edwards ran over to me.

"D-Daddy." I sobbed.

"It's okay Hazza, we'll get your Daddy to come." She said.

I had to sit on the ground until Daddy came as I wouldn't let anyone touch me and I couldn't get up by myself.

"Baby! What's wrong?" Daddy got out of his car and ran straight over to me.

"D-Daddy, hurts." I cried.

"What hurts baby, you've got to talk to Daddy."

"My a-arm."

"Let me see."

He examined my arm, and I cried as he put pressure on it.

"I think it's broken baby. We need to go to the hospital."

"Nooooooooooo." I started crying loudly again.

"It's okay baby boy, you'll be okay." He whispered in my ear.

Liam's POV

I decided that Harry's arm looked broken so it would probably be best for me to take him straight to hospital as if it is broken then he'll be in some amount of pain.

"C'mon baby boy." I said and picked him up and set him on my hip, careful not to hurt his arm.

"Mr Payne, here's an ice pack to put on Harry's arm until you get to the hospital. It might reduce some of the swelling." She said and handed me the ice pack.

"Thank you, I'll have Louis contact the school later about Harry's condition and whether or not he'll be in school tomorrow."

I put Harry in his car seat and buckled him in, making sure the seat belt didn't put any unnecessary pressure on his arm. I then placed the ice pack on top of his arm.

I raced to the hospital and went straight to the accident and emergency section.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady at the reception asked.

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