Our First Group Activity

Start from the beginning

"No, I'll give her mine." I said, then pulled my own stitches off the needles. I was only a few rows into a scarf, I could start over later.

"That was very kind of you, Elle." Healer Fuchs smiled as I handed Jenna the needles.

"Yeah. I think I'm going to go talk to Gildy. Have fun, Jenna." I offered, then got up and walked across the yard. Gilderoy was now laying on his back, looking up at the stars. I layed down beside him, and scooted until our shoulders touched. "Hey. What are you doing? I didn't think you liked astronomy?"

"I don't..." He answered. "But I was just trying to remember the ones you told me. I thought Uras Major was over there?" He pointed. I put my arms behind my head.

"No. Well, it was... When we looked at stars it was. But now it is here. See?" I pointed him in the right direction. He saw it and frowned. 

"Great. First Ivy hides things to make me think I didn't remember, and now the universe is doing it, too." 

"The Universe always does this. It has nothing to do with you."

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure the stars do not move like that."

"Gilderoy, I have studies stars since I was thirteen, and I was first in my class in astronomy. I think I know a thing or two about them."

"I just don't think it's very polite of them to move around like that." 

"Gildy!" I laughed, and rolled over even closer to him. I was now on my stomach, and my head was on his shoulder. 


"Nothing..." I continued laughing, then rolled back over again to watch the stars. "But you did remember where it was, though. And you did remember the name. It just wasn't in the same spot. That's still good. You remembered."

"Sure..." He trailed off. That made me feel bad. I really was proud of him for remembering, but he didn't seem to care. He was doing a great job. And that's what Group Session was suppose to be about, wasn't it? What friendship was suppose to be about. Helping the other succeed and encouraging them when they do good.

"I have the food, Miss Snape." Healer Phillips put a couple trays of food on the snack table using his wand. I looked up at him. "Good news; they did have pineapple."

"Thank you." I said, then got up. Gilderoy followed me.

"What is pineapple?" He asked. I picked a slice up and showed him.

"This. What to try it?"

"Yeah." He took it and bit into it. A pleasent smile spread across his face.

"This is great!" He exclaimed, then ate the rest of it. He moved onto a second slice. 

"Save some for me!" I grabbed a couple slices for myself. Healer Phillips watched us for a couple moments, then looked at everyone else.

"Okay, guys. Don't think you are getting off this easy. I have an activity we are going to do."

"Why. This is suppose to be fun." Chase pointed out. Healer Phillips shook his head.

"You are suppose to be having Group Session right now. You are going to do something that helps you. Now, everyone sit in a circle." He instructed. We all reluctantly did so. Gilderoy, who sat beside me, have about six pinapple slices in his lap. Healer Phillips sat between Gildy and Chase, closing the gap in the circle. Then he took a bag that he had, and took out six paper bags, lots of paper, and five quills. He handed us each a bag, quill, and six pieces of paper each. 

"Okay, all of you have a bag." He started, "I want all of you to write your name on it, okay?" He instructed. We all did what he asked. "Okay. Now, I want you to write down everything you don't like about yourself, or anything you feel bad about, or anything that is stressing you out, or anything you just want to go away down on the bag." I swollowed, looking down at the bag. Around me, Gilderoy was righting, as was Chase. But William, Jenna, and I were hesitating.

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now