I reached my treehouse and climbed up. I took a shower and wished for a blow dryer. I then used that to straighten my hair. I wished really hard for a curling iron and makeup. What? I'm a girl.

I made my hair look like a sea of ringlets. Next, I did my makeup. It was a dramatic smokey eye. It came out pretty good. Now, what to wear?

I felt like wearing a dress because I have been wearing pants this whole time. I wished for a dark green summer dress with a faded jean vest to go over. But to make it more my style, I wore convers. Ok, now I look decent. I looked at my window. The sun was already setting, wow, time in Neverland flies. I better get going, Peter was probably waiting for me.

I wanted to have some fun, so I grabbed some pixie dust and threw it over myself. I then flew out the window. I spotted Pan leaning against a tree, looking as casual as ever. He propped himself up and put some more lumber into the bonfire. I landed quietly behind him. Peter turned around and jumped a little. I almost fell on the floor laughing.

"You scared me!" He chuckled.

"That was the point! I was testing out my flying skills."

"Well," he held both of my hands in front of us, " you are getting very good."

He backed up and looked at what I was wearing.

"You like it?" I did a little girly spin.

"I love it! But not as much as I love you!" He pulled me into his arms.

"Awww, Peter, I love you more."

"Not true." He then kissed my forehead.

"You missed." I giggled.

"Oh, I did? Didn't I?" he leaned it but before he kissed me....

"Um Pan?"

He pulled away.

"Yes, Felix?"

"May I talk to you, in private?" He asked.

Peter looked at me with eyes that seemed to say 'I'm sorry'.

"Go ahead, Peter. It's fine." I guess Felix and Peter made up. They left. I walked to go check up on that young lost boy. I found out that his name is Joey. He is probably the sweetest little boy ever, well besides my Peter.

*Peter's POV*

"What do you want Felix?" I asked

"Your shadow informed me that someone in the real world has contacted the dark one and has found a way to get to Neverland."

"Should we be concerned?"

"I'm not sure."

"How much time do we have before this person gets here?"

"About a week."

"It's really hard to come here, so I doubt that they will be able to find their way."

"Ok Pan."

I nodded at him and turned back towards camp. I found Jackie talking to Joey. I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Oh hey baby!" She threw her arms around me. "Everything ok back there?"

"Um yes, everything's fine. Now, where were we?" I leaned in.

"You gotta catch me first." She flew up into the sky.

I smirked..... Challenge accepted. I shot up into the air. I looked around everywhere and I couldn't find her. I started to panic, but then I thought of a place where she could be.

I flew towards the skull cave. I saw her sitting on the sand, looking up at me.

*Jackie's POV*

I spotted him and I think he saw me. I patted the sand next to me, showing him to sit there. He did, of course. I rested my head on his shoulder and we looked out at the ocean.

"Peter, you are really lucky."

"And why is that?"

"Because you have this whole island to yourself!"

He laid down in the sand. I snuggled up against him.

"Well, I guess I am. At first, it was cool, but boring after awhile. Well that is until you showed up." He smiled and rubbed my arm.

By now, it was night. Peter snapped his fingers and there were tons of candles around us. It was so romantic. He pulled me over so that I was on top of him. I kissed him on the nose.

"C'mon, you can do better than that." He smirked.

I then gave him a perfect kiss on his lips.

"Oh!" he sat up really fast. I ended up sitting on his lap, leaning against his chest.

"What is it?" I turned my head and looked up at him.

"I have something for you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out an arm cuff.

"Aww Peter! It looks just like yours." I turned it over and it had our initials in a heart. I had tears in my eyes.

"You like it."

"I love it. It is the best thing anyone has ever given me." I kissed him on the cheek. It was very special to me.

He put it on me. It fit perfectly.

"I think we should get back, it's getting late." He started to get up.

"No, five minutes more. Pwease?" I gave him an exaggerated pout.

"Here, you don't have to move." He picked me up and carried me bridal style.

"I'm fine with this." I smiled.

"You're an idiot." He chuckled.

"But I'm YOUR idiot." I laughed.

He flew up into the air. I clung onto him and buried my head into his chest. This might sound weird but I loved the way he smells. I can't even describe it.

We landed back at camp. He set me down and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well I don't know about you, but I am really tired."

"Trust me, I am too." I yawned. "It's been a long day."

"Well," he blushed a little, "do you want to sleep in my tent tonight?"

I kind of expected it, but yet I didn't.

"Um yeah, sure, of course." I grabbed his hand and we walked towards his tent. We couldn't stop smiling at each other. It was perfect.

Does anyone know where I can buy an arm cuff in California? Lol

She was Lost, but He Found Her (Peter Pan OUAT) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now