Chapter 10

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Since Zahir wanted to be a little ass boy, I decided to call an uber and take my ass home. After making my request I left Zahir a nice little note on the front door.

Dear Baby,
Don't contact me until you're ready to put on your big boy boxers and handle this like an adult.
Your baby

With that, I closed the house door and left out to get into my uber. After about 10 minutes, I arrived at my apartment complex, I thanked the driver and got out heading to my apartment door. When I got there, a Manila folder was sitting in front of it, and that read: I'm Watching your every move!

I went back outside going to my car, cause ain't no way I was gonna sleep in that apartment tonight. When I got inside, I made sure all the doors were locked and called the one person that I can feel safe around: Zahir. Luckily, he picked up this time.

"Man, what you want?" He answered
"Babe, I'm scared. I need you now" I said
"Where are you?"
"My apartment parking lot"
"Alright, I'm going to send you my location, come here and we'll talk about this"

I soon, got on the road and began driving towards where he was located. When I got there, I pulled up to an old abandoned house with Zahir standing outside waiting for me I guess. He came over to the passenger side and got in the car.
"Wassup, what's this you're scared bull?" He said
"Zahir, please I don't need your attitude. I just want you to comfort me right now" I said
"Iight man whatever, what is it?"
I threw the envelope into his lap, and he opened it. I haven't saw what was inside, so I looked over his shoulder, it was pictures of him and I, with labels reading "he's mine" and "if I can't have you, nobody else will".
"What-What are we gonna do? I-I" I began
"Just chill baby girl, as long as I've got you, nobody's gonna hurt you and believe that. You'll be under security 24/7. Nobody's gonna be able to get to you"
"Who could be doing this?"
"My ex, maybe even yours. As long as we got eachother, we're gonna be good"

Drama already?

I'm so sorry for my inconsistent uploading, I am a student and sometimes school has got me bouncing of the walls so please bare with me!!

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