Chapter 5: Trovato

Start from the beginning

"Good idea. Who wants to start?" Lovino asked.

"I'll start! Can I start fratello?" Feliciano asked excitedly.

"Si, si. But first, why don't we find a more... private location?" He suggested.

"I think I know just the place." Kiku led them to a deserted area of the beach. It had some grass here and there speckling the sand, and a few trees marking the end of the cove. The water was clear as crystal, and the nations could even make out some tropical fish swimming around.

Feliciano grinned as he stepped away from the other two. He closed his eyes in concentration and a frosty wind blew in a circle around him. The ground started to freeze, as the sand became white with frost. Kiku stared in awe as snow started to fall from seemingly nowhere. He scooped some into his hand, staring at it in wonder.

"Ice. Though it includes snow, as well. Technically, you could say it's winter." Feliciano smiled. "It's from a Regios called Umevokin." Kiku nodded in understanding.

"I've been there once. It was beautiful."

"My other power isn't really one I can show off, but I can speak to and understand cats. It's from the Regios Keuo."

Feliciano sat down again, as Lovino stood up. "My turn." He smirked as a circle of fire danced around his feet, melting Feliciano's leftover snow and frost. "Fire is my first ability." He said, creating a dog out of fire. "I can also speak to dogs, and probably wolves or coyotes as well, seeing as how they were related..." The firedog then morphed into a grand serpent. "I can also speak to snakes, thanks to Synriss. The dog thing is from Puewhiem." He explained, dismissing his flames. The nations marveled at his control. Very little, if anything, was actually burned.

"It's ironic, isn't it?" Feliciano smirked. "That the one guy who hated anything of Germanic relation is the one that was compatible with the ability of one of the only Germanic Regios?" He teased.

"Sh-shut up you bastard!" Lovino turned red.

"Hai, my turn." Kiku said, standing up. With a wicked smirk, he vanished.

"Invisibility?!" Feliciano asked, stunned.

"Not quite, Feliciano-kun." Kiku said right behind him, making the Italian jump and whip around. "Speed. I visited a Regios called Quang, and gained immense speed—faster than the eye can follow. I can also heal most injuries thanks to an ability from the Regios Guia." He sped back to the area that Feliciano and Lovino had showed off their abilities. The nations watched in awe. Japan stared at his other self with shock and a tinge of jealousy. But that's so stupid to be jealous of myself!

Kiku then crouched into a low position. At first they thought he was going to do yoga or something, when he suddenly stepped forward, moving his arm in a whip like motion. To the shock and amazement of the nations, a whip of water came forth from the 'sea' and followed his movements.

"Dude! You're a freakin' waterbender?! That's so cool!" America grinned.

Kiku guided the water into the form of a tiger. The aqua feline stood beside the Japanese once-nation proudly, a small dragon made of water stood on Kiku's shoulder. Perhaps only Japan noticed China's small smile as he realized that the dragon was meant to represent him.

He then dispelled the water creatures, and went into a sequence of similar moves. The grass rose to his will, and grew, intertwining itself and forming a staff with a very sharp pointy tip, as the trees whipped their branches about angrily. Kiku glanced at the trees with an almost reprimanding look, and they stilled once more. He ran his finger down the staff and the grass unwove itself and returned to its unassuming state of being normal. "I learned to control water from a Regios called Psudeju, I'm sure you've heard of it." Feliciano and Lovino nodded.

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