Taken..!! part three.

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Sorry everyone its going to be short, but on the other hand there is only a part 4 and then we are on a new chapter ahhhh...!!!! What will happen? Who Will Die and who will be saved?

''Mother we have to leave now! we have to get her out of Seeder Creek, its not safe for her here, not any more at least thanks to YOU MOTHER!!!"

I rush up stairs and pack everything we have in the room, i have a condo up near Cable Creek, and we will me safe there.

''Hello Nick how are you?'' This unknown voice says, and Bailey moves from the sound of the mans voice.

''Who are you?'' I quickly say making my way towards Bailey.

''Take one more step and i snap her neck.'' and in seconds hes by Bailey.

''OK. OK. What do you want with me? 

''Its not you i want its her and whats inside of her''

''Well I'm sorry you cant have her shes mine'' I say in the strongest voice i can.

''No you don't get it, you see bailey belongs with me, she is after all my daughter''.

An in seconds Bailey is out of my bed and gone. Where could he have taken her? We need to find her.

I feel a warm tear break though down my face and my voice starts to crack up. I manage to get my self down stairs in this state and run back into my living room where everyone has gathered up talking.

''Help me!!! He took Bailey shes gone, NO!! NO!!'' I fall to the ground screaming and crying'' My family turns to me in worry and they start to talk like they know whats going on and they do care. I get so mad and then something happens i feel a rush of pain lift through my chest and i scream louder that anything in the world, and i look up to my family seeing them on the ground in pain. 

I HAVE A NEW GIFT!!!!!????

Sorry it was short i will post tomorrow and please comment and if i don't get over 10 comments i will not write tomorrow so please comment and if i get more than 10 i will write more than i normally do. So you better comment!!!!! And if your reading this off of the internet I'm sorry if you cant but if you make a profile you could, but you don't have to because i understand i waited like a whole year before i made a profile but if you can comment and you really want me to write tomorrow you better comment!!!! Love my fans and please also vote. AND PLEASE DO NOT UNDER ANY REASON COPY ANYTHING FROM MY BOOK!!!

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