Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Kellin - I Don’t Wanna Be In Love

“Fuck. He said all that?”

I lie down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. “Yeah.”

It’s the second time I’ve asked Oli to come over this week, and though I feel kind of bad for doing it, I couldn’t really think straight when I called him. I spilled as soon as he was outside my window, before he could even get in, because I was too disoriented to think about stopping myself.

"Okay, well, here’s another thing I’m stuck on: What the fuck were you doing in the middle of the road?"

I should’ve known this question was coming.

"Honestly, I don’t know." And that’s the truth.

"How don’t you know? What did you think you were doing? What were you trying to prove?"

"I don’t know," I repeat. "It was all just a blur, okay? It was like there wasn’t any thinking involved. I was just all of a sudden jumping out of the car and then bleeding on the ground."

As I say this, I examine my hands and knees. I have Band-Aids all over them. I feel like a little kid that fell down on the playground. “If anything else happens to me this week, I’m gonna end up looking like an old rag-doll that a dog chewed up,” I say.

"It’s not that bad—" Oli begins before cutting himself off. "Okay, yeah, it is pretty bad."

I sit up, not sure what to say. I still haven’t told him that Vic and Jaime were making out yesterday, and I don’t have any intention to. It’s like the secret has made its home inside of me already and I can’t let it escape.

"Well," Oli says, "if I know anything about Vic, it’s that when he gets pissed, he gets pissed. That kind of pissed where you don’t even know what you’re saying. So I’m gonna guess that he didn’t mean what he said to you.” He grabs my phone and unlocks it. “But that does not make it okay or something you can just brush off.”

"What are you doing?" I ask, leaning over his shoulder. He’s scrolling through my contacts.

"Calling Vic. You two need to have a chat."

"What?" I reach for the phone, but he holds it up above my head, reveling in his greater height. "Hey! Give me that!"

He shakes his head, grinning. “Nope. I’m not letting you ignore this problem, Kellin, as I know you love to do.”

I glare at him, but he’s completely unaffected. “Here,” he says, handing it to me. “Just call him. Talk to him. Use the power of words or some shit.” He points over his shoulder at the window with his thumb. “I’ll leave if you want me to. That way it’s kind of, I don’t know, private.”

"Oli, you don’t have to do this—"

"Oh, yes, I do." He points at the phone. "Call him." He turns, opens the window, and climbs down, leaving me with the cell phone in my hand. Obediently, I call Vic and put it up to my ear.

He answers on the second ring. “Hello?”

But it’s not Vic. It’s Jaime.

"Jaime? Where’s Vic?"

"Bathroom. Why, did you want to talk to him?"

"Uh, that was kind of the plan."

"Kellin, I hate to break it to you, but Vic’s not exactly as loyal as you think he is."

"What do you mean?" Stupid question. I know what he means.

"Well, let me just say that either he’s naturally a great kisser, or you taught him to be one. And if it’s the second option, then thanks."

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