"Damn it. When will the shock subside?" Aaron stopped enquiring and breathed out heavily before asking, "Will she be like this for the rest of her life?"

"No, of course not, Aaron. It will take her quite sometime but she will come back. May be her mind is not ready to accept the reality just yet but that does not mean we will not provide her with the best treatment."

"Aunt, she flinched just a while ago so does that count?"

"Did she really now?"

"Yes. Why?"

"That is a good sign, nephew. It is not necessary to communicate or respond through talking. It can be in any way, be it written, gestures or anything else. Though flinching is not the best response yet it is better than nothing. Now tell me why did she flinch?"

"I thought no one has checked her so I lost my calm and raised my voice. I know now I should not have done that because it scared her." Aaron slumped down into the chair.

"It was definitely not the best thing to do but unknowingly you got a reaction out of her so for now I am letting it slide off but if next time you scare away my patient in any manner then you will be banned from visiting, Iris. Am I clear, Mr. Kent?"

"You do not have to go all doctor mode on me, Aunt and I won't do it again."

"Good. Now if you will excuse me, Chris and I are starving."

"Yes, sure. Sorry for disturbing you."

"Oh hush down! It is okay. You can call me at anytime for I know how much it hurts you to witness others in pain. Being an empathy is not easy."

"Good night, Aunt and please say sorry to Uncle on my part because I am sure he is not appreciating the fact that I have ruined his quality time with you." 

Crystal giggled at the other end before hanging up.

Aaron stood up and met the Johnsons in the hallway as they came out of Iris' room to leave for their place.

"We will visit her tomorrow and hopefully she will interact with is." Maria whispered nodding towards the closed door.

"I was talking to Aunt Crys and she has assured me that Iris will get better." Aaron smiled softly on seeing the hopeful eyes of the family.

"Thank you for being here always irrespective of time and your busy schedule."

"It is the least I can do, Mrs. Johnson for as humans, it is our responsibility to look after one another. Right now we have to be Iris' strength so please take proper rest. I am sure she does not want to see you in tears, right?"

"As always you are absolutely right, Aaron." Faith chimed in with a smile and added, "We should better go back and rest. I will clean Iris' room tomorrow and we will prepare her favorite dishes when she will be discharged. And Dad, we will bring books here for Iris. You know how much she loves to read."

Carter chuckled lightly, saying, "Sure, my princess. Whatever you say." Staring back at Aaron, Carter stretched out his hand and said, "We will meet tomorrow, Aaron."

Aaron shook his hand and nodded his head.  

"You should go back and get some rest as well, Mr. Kent." Maria advised, looking into hi tired eyes.

"Call me Aaron and I will leave in sometime. Good night."

"Bye Aaron." Faith hugged him and smiled as he returned the gesture despite Carter's protests.

"Carter, stop growling. They are just hugging." Maria scolded her husband who frowned and stormed out, making the women giggle.

"Don't mind my Dad. He is overprotective." Faith let go off Aaron and they smiled before bidding farewell for the night. 

Savior {Third book of EL series}Where stories live. Discover now