Cold Weather and Warm Kisses

Start from the beginning

I bet he's going to take us to a nice, fancy restaurant! My wolf cheered.

My wolf was always hungry. I rolled my eyes at her as we continued to speed down the snowy road. We finally turned onto another, smaller road that eventually led to our destination. We came upon a beautiful secluded destination as Tyler stopped the vehicle. He got out and came around to open my door for me.

I stepped out of the car and walked around in awe of the beauty here. There was a large pond that was completely frozen over in beautiful blue ice. All of the forest around the pond was covered in white snow except for a caramel brown picnic table that had been set up nicely with plates and silverware for two. Next to the table was a small circle of smooth grey stones with freshly cut wood for a fire. The whole set up was glorious.

"Do you like it?" I heard Tyler ask, breaking me out of my state of awe.

"Oh, Tyler it's magical!" I sighed in content. I looked over at him and saw that he had pulled something out of the trunk. In his hands he held two pairs of ice skates. My heart thumped at the thought of gliding gracefully on freshly frozen ice.

"Do you wanna-" Tyler began nervously as he held up the skates.

"YES!" I squealed as I grabbed the smaller pair. We walked over to the table and sat on the bench while we fastened our ice skates. Once I laced my sky blue skates, I stood up and smiled as I waited impatiently for Tyler. I was overjoyed at the moment. I used to go ice skating as a kid with Addison every time it snowed. We would go skate for hours and until it got dark and her parents were yelling at us to go inside where it was warm. Tyler finally finished with his laces and stood up shakily. We hobbled over to the edge of the ice, stopping right before to look at each other one last time.

I grabbed Tyler's warm hand with my own as I took a daring step onto the slick ice. We both nervously managed to get onto the ice and slide a few feet. I looked over and saw Tyler looking scared to death. "Is this your first time ice skating?" I asked, my breath blowing into a white cloud from the cold.

"Maybe?" He wobbled with one arm as his other hand tightened on my own. I let out a laugh at the realization.

"Okay. So basically you just need balance for this." I instructed. "To move forward," I stated as I gently let go of his warm hand so I could demonstrate the art. "It's almost just like walking. Think of two simple movements: Glide," I ordered as I reached out my right leg and glided forward, moving smoothly on the perfect ice. "And pivot." I concluded as I switched my legs. "Glide." I slid with my left leg "Pivot" I switched to my right. I made a circle around him as I demonstrated and then stopped right beside him and signaled that it was his turn.

He gave me a small nod of understanding as he was ready to try it. "Glide." He reached his right leg out and slid about a foot on the ice. "Pivot." He switched legs and repeated the process, moving at a turtlishly slow pace.

"Good!" I praised as I glided next to him. He smiled at me as we continued to slide across the smooth ice.

"Glide." He reminded himself as he continued the moves. "Pivot!" He yelled as he hit a bump in the ice and lost his balance. I reached out to grab him but he fell, knocking me down as well.

We hit the hard ice with a thud and both looked at each other in shock. I stared into his fearful brown eyes as he examined the ice around us in a nanosecond. Nothing had cracked and we were both okay. I stood up on the ice and brushed myself off. I reached a hand out to Tyler to help him up. He took my frozen hand and attempted to stand on the slippery ice. He pulled on my arm for support, causing me to lose my balance and topple on top of him. We skidded a few inches on the large frozen pond until we came to a slow stop. We looked back at each other and both burst out into a hearty laughter.

Once we finally got back up onto our stable feet, we skated in the colorful lights provided by the beautiful sunset. This was the perfect evening and I wished I could keep skating forever. The sun got lower and lower in the frozen wonderland that Tyler had brought me to. We finally slid our way back to stable snowy land and removed our skates. Tyler started a warm fire to warm us up.

"Wanna see something cool?" He asked me with a smirk as he started the flames.

"What could be cooler than this?" I breathed out as I motioned at the dark pond around me. The beautiful sun had set dramatically this evening and now hid way behind the trees, no longer giving us it's warm light. Tyler stood up from the fire and went behind a tree and rustled a nearby bush for a moment. "You ready?" He called out from the bush.

"Sure." I giggled in confusion. Was he going to suggest we go on a run together? I waited in anticipation as he rustled in the leaves for a few more seconds. Suddenly my world was illuminated by the trees. All of the snowy trees above me lit up in pale blue crystal lights. I looked around the pond to see that every tree was lit up with these glowing icicle lights.

"Tyler." I was breathless as I gazed at the beauty. This land was just as glorious at night as it was at daytime. A warm plaid blanket was wrapped around my shoulders as Tyler gave me a hug. I looked over at him as he looked up at the lights. His face was glorious in the pale lights. His sharp jaw was defined and his skin glowed slightly. "This is fun." I exclaimed as I looked back at the glowing pond."

"Oh yeah?" Tyler asked as he turned his gaze to me. "I'm glad you're having fun." He gave me a wink and then walked over to the fire and set up a hanging pot over it before returning to me.

"Can I ask you something?" he questioned, scanning my face in the pale light.


"Last time I kissed you... I wasn't myself." He began. Memories flashed back of the night we kissed. It was a passionate, wonderful kiss. But after, Tyler changed somehow. He was being affected by something the Hunter's shot him with.

"That's not your fault." I corrected.

"I know. But I feel like it was rushed. The first time should have been perfect." He looked down towards the snowy ground. I put my hand on his cheek, causing his eyes to float back to mine and lock in place.

I shifted my eyes between both of his as we exchanged looks for a short moment, having a silent conversation. He then put a gentle hand on my cheek and leaned in, placing his lips on mine. His lips fit perfectly with mine and we shared a deep, loving kiss. My mind melted as sparks tingled through my body. Everything felt right in this one, chilly moment in time. When he finally pulled away, a small disappointment filled me but it was overcome with my smile.

Tyler moved and picked the pot that was hanging over the fire up, pouring us two glasses of steamy coco. We drank and stared at the stars for a while. Everything was nice. Everything was perfect, yet something felt like it was missing.


What did you think? Leave me a comment and don't forget to push that vote button to let me know you liked it! I promise I will include more info on other characters in the next few chapters! Thank you for reading!

-Sarah :P

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