"But Dad got all embarrassed as well." I pointed out.

"That's because he doesn't know how to deal with things like that. Yes he has two sisters but they're both much older than him. Plus, I think you and I are a bit more alike." He said winking.

"Louis!" Dad exclaimed coming into the kitchen.

"Were you eavesdropping Liam Payne?" Papa asked smugly.

"Maybe." He smirked and placed a kiss on Papa's lips.

"Oh! Also, can you sign this form for me? We're exploring the nature of punishments and prejudice toward black people in politics and they want a signature to be able to watch The Green Mile." I said and both of their faces fell.

"Absolutely not! You'll be having nightmares for weeks!" Dad insisted.

"Let me see the form." Papa said and I handed him the piece of paper.

"Hmmm, I don't think this is suitable Zaynie." He said as he analysed the sheet.

"But I'm 15! I should be able to watch the movie if I want." I argued.

"Yes, you're only 15, and this movie happens to be an 18 which is why you need parental consent. And I'm sorry to say, but you're not watching it." Papa said.

"But what am I going to do while the whole class watches the movie?" I asked thinking 'yes! They'll have to let me watch it now.'

"It says right here." Dad read. "Any pupil who doesn't have the consent will sit in the staff base working on a poster to do with rights."


"Zayn, you're not watching it and that's final. Do you understand me?" Dad asked.

"Yes Dad." I said defeated.

"Good boy, now go get dressed for school."

I was dressed in my uniform in fifteen minutes. I grabbed my lunch from the kitchen and my school bag and then we all piled into Dad's car.

"Bye baby. Have a good day." Dad called.

"I'll try." I huffed, still slightly annoyed and shut the car door.

"Hey baby." Justin said standing outside of my locker.

"Hi Justin." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He said noticing my change in mood immediately.


"Zayn, something is wrong, now tell me what it is." He said sternly.

"My Dad and Papa wouldn't sign that stupid form for politics so now I can't watch the movie." I huffed.

"What form?" He asked.

"To watch The Green Mile." I said.

"We watched that last week, trust me baby, you wouldn't like it." He said and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Well I won't know will I? Since no one's letting me watch it." I huffed and removed his arm.

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