10 Days (It Ends)

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[here is a boring transitional chapter with essentially no pop and nothing exciting other than the fact that it's the end and by the end I mean a dull finale with a nice conclusion that was much needed. But yes I find this chapter incredibly boring and since I hit all the points I wanted to I didn't want to rewrite and risk an even worse chapter. But yep. Here's the final chapter
And Happy late Valentine's]

The 10 days had come to an end at last. And I was very proud to say I'd already made my decision. Good or bad, I couldn't tell, all I hoped was for the better I knew would come.

Brendon said he'd be by at noon, that he was starting to clean up the hallway so he could actually enter his house without plugging his nose. I was very proud of that too.

The clock tacked to the wall in the kitchen chimed for 12 as soon as the doorbell rang. He was on time, just like usual, with that stupid leather jacket and the boots with a billion complicated straps. He was smiling sadly this time, a small box in his right hand no bigger than a folded slip of paper. In the crook of his elbow was a small bunch of flowers (Varied Lily  flowers, commonly associated with the end of one thing leading to another).

"It's the end, today."

"I know."

"I think I'm gonna miss it."

"Me too."

The weight of the situation hit then, and I pulled him into a hug for what I hoped would never be the final time. What if he'd changed his mind about wanting to stay? What then? What if he didn't want to even be friends anymore?

"I'm really glad I got to spend the last 10 days with you."

"I wouldn't have chosen to spend it with anyone else." I whispered and took him inside, trailing behind him to the living room. The other day I'd rearranged everything while throughly cleaning every inch of the place, so a really soft chair was positioned directly across from the couch with a small coffee table placed between the two.

Brendon's eyes went wide upon seeing the adjustments. "It's so clean!"

"Cleaned it just for you." Actually I found rat poop under the couch and I disinfected everything in the house in hopes the heavily scented lavender fumes would kill it off or at the least drive it away. Whichever made me sound like a good person was the reason behind the sudden clean sweep.

He plopped down on the cushion closest to the arm rest (which was actually right where I'd caught a whiff of the rat droppings for the first time) and set down a small bright blue box on the table next to the flowers, suppressing a happy smile when I sat across from him, carefully lifting the box and tearing back the neatly taped wrapping paper to reveal another package. I shamelessly ripped that open too. No regrets.

It was simply a small letter, the addresses and information on the front covered by white slips of paper taped over. He'd hyped it up so much I'd assumed it was something incredibly expensive, but this was perfectly fine, maybe even a little better. I had no idea what it was but I still liked it.

"To end the 10 days, which I am sure you enjoyed because you told me last night over text that you absolutely loved every one them," Brendon fixed the sleeves to his jacket, playing with the zippers almost to distract himself from spoiling the gift. "I saved the best for last. Not because I wanted this to be like the deciding factor, I just thought you'd like it even if you don't want to be with me anymore and it would work even better if you went the other way on the decision and-"

10 Days [Brallon]Where stories live. Discover now