Tyler Gets Physically Crushed

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[This mess reached 1k somehow I'm so]

Patrick had held up his end of the bargain, this time with Tyler in tow instead of arriving by himself like he usually did. They were both howling with laughter and cracking the stupidest jokes, but stopped as soon as they saw the 3 cartons of ice cream I'd shamelessly eaten.

"So like, do you still want your fries or are you full?" Tyler whispered and poked my shoulder as soon as he was close enough to ask. "Because I'll eat them for you. They're fresh out of the oven. Deep frier. Microwave. Whatever. They're still good."

"Give me my fries." I said and held out my hand, but did not receive my fries.

Patrick glanced around and past my shoulder to look in the back. "Where's Brendon? Is he in the back room, or-"

"You mean the fucking liar that says he loves me but turns around just to cheat on me with his ex the next morning? No, he's at home, not feeling sorry for the fucking disaster he's made."

They both gasped in horror and slid over the countertops to wrap me in a hug that didn't do much. I wanted to be left alone but having them with me was fine too.

"Please tell me you're kidding." Tyler mumbled nervously and I mumbled a quiet 'no' into his shoulder.

"He never curses like that. It must be bad." Patrick muttered. Quiet crunches sounded behind me, and it took a second to register in my mind that they were both eating the seasoned fries they'd bought for Brendon. I didn't care. They could eat my fries too if they wanted them.

"How bad was it, Dal? On a scale from the knockout baseball bat to shovel for hiding the body?" Patrick sighed and rubbed my back, which felt more comforting than it sounded.

I dabbled on the imaginative scale for a second before deciding on, "Incinerate his house with a nuclear bomb so I won't have to see him ever again."

"Oh my goodness gracious, it was horrific." Tyler tried to hold me up by himself while Patrick stole some more fries and reached for his phone, but I ended up nearly crushing him instead as we both collapsed to the floor.

Patrick hummed to himself and the sound of his phone dialing filled the silence while he dropped fries on my back for Tyler to grab.

"Hey hey hey, it's my favorite person in the whole wide world!" Pete howled through the phone. "Josh stayed over last night so we could make pies this morning, which I hope you don't mind because we made like 20, and he says hi. Also you're on speaker-"

"Brendon cheated on Dallon with Ross."

The line was silent for a second before Pete and Josh burst out laughing. "Nice joke, 'Trick. Brendon loves Dallon too much-"

"Yeah, that's what I thought too," I stuck up my arm for the phone, which Patrick reluctantly passed down to me. "It would've been a great joke too, if either of them were wearing clothes."

The only sound in the room was the hum from the water generators under the floor. But other than that, nobody dared to even breathe too loudly.

"Please tell me you're just screwing around with us," Josh groaned "if this is a joke, it was very funny, ha ha. You really got us."

"Dallon has eaten 3 cups of ice cream and I'm being crushed because he's too distraught to move off my chest." Tyler called for help, gripping at my shirt to pull me from off his body, yet I still made no effort to roll off of him.

Pete muttered something  about a shotgun, a bulldozer, and Ryan, until I brought the phone down closer and balanced it on Tyler's forehead since he probably wasn't going anywhere important anytime soon. "It wasn't Ryan's fault. Brendon told him we weren't together."

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