3. shake along with me

Start from the beginning

"Alright love, can I help ya?" She asked, and I could feel myself getting embarrassed as I got a nasty feeling that I'd gotten the wrong house.

"Hiya, yeah," I said, scratching my head, "is Liam there?"

"Oh bloody hell, another one of his bloody girls, are ya?" She said, rolling her eyes in a way that suggested she was used to random girls knocking on the door, "Liam! There's a girl for you, come in love."

Liam came bundling down the stairs, and landing next to me.

"Mam, this is me mate Holly, not one of my birds," he said to the woman, "Holly, this is me mam."

"Hiya," I said again.

"Just call me Peggy, darlin," she said with a smile.

"Come up," he said, gesturing for me to follow him upstairs.

"Do you want me to take are shoes off?"

"Nah you're alright, doesn't matter."

We sat on the bed in his room, which was similar to mine in the sense that the paint was chipping in the corners and the posters of bands that were plastered across the walls.

"I used to share a room with me brother, but he moved out a couple of year ago but a load of his shite's still here."

"Oh I was talking to Martha the other day, and she actually said she was roadying with you're brother," I told him.

"Poor fucker," he retorted and pulling out a box of tabs from his jacket pocket and lit one.

"Oh my god, can I borrow your lighter?" I asked, excited as I hadn't been able to have a smoke since I'd left the house, and he handed it to me with a slight chuckle.

"Do you not get on with him like?" I asked, finally able to light my fag and staining the filter with the lipstick I was wearing.

"Dunno, it's a bit mad," he said, "he's a cunt and he does me head in so I hate him, but he's my brother and that so I love him."

"Yeah fair enough," I said, shrugging, "that's what it's like with me and my sister."

"Oh I didn't know you had siblings?" He said, placing one foot on the bed and leaning on the bent knee.

"Yeah, a sister and a brother," I told him, and then laughed a bit, "My sisters proper in with the pure mobsters so when we get in a fight someone ends up fuckin bloodied up, dya know what a mean?"

"Fuckin hell, what d'ya mean mobsters?"

"Well, that like, ring of drug dealers who have like those girls follow em around like little fuckin lapdogs and that," I said, and he nodded quickly in realisation of the group I was on about, "and she's only fuckin 17."

"I had you down as a proper posh girl," he laughed, "was gonna nick a tenner off ya."

"Get to fuck man," I laughed, "how come anyway?"

"Cos you smoke fuckin Marlboro reds," He said, "and I dunno you just look cleaner than a lot of birds round here, like dya know at school? When you get those girls who are like proper fit and they're not fuckin dirty or minging or anything but they end up being proper stuck up and posh."

English Rose      -       liam gallagher ficWhere stories live. Discover now