chapter 62

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Loki brought Eira to their room and laid her down on the bed, he put his hand on her forehead and could feel how hot she was. She started coughing again, he sat down next to her and he helped her to sit. He put his arms around her, not wanting to let her go. She started to pull away.
"I don't want to get you sick" she said, trying to get out of his grip, but she was too weak and he held her tightly.
"I don't care if I get sick, I'm going to stay here with you" he told her, raking his fingers through her hair. He held her face with his hand and brought her eyes to meet with his.
"You should get some sleep" he told her as he laid her back down, she shook her head and clung onto him.
"No, please, I can't" she said, her voice sounding afraid.
"Why? What's wrong?" He asked, holding her back up.
"Every time i close my eyes I see things that don't make any sense" she said, he looked at her in confusion.
"I keep having these dreams. I'm on jotunhiem, and- and I don't know you, and-" she was stopped my Loki's finger on her lips.
"It's okay, you don't have to sleep if you don't want to. At least not alone" he told her. He slid her over to one side and got in bed next to her, she sifted to lay on her side, facing him, and he put his arm around her.
"I love you so much, loki. You've really saved my life so many times" she told him.
"Well you saved mine, you gave me something to live for" he said back, still fiddling with her hair. She slid her arms around his waist, and in a few minutes she was peacefully asleep.
=*****= When she woke up the next morning, loki was already awake, but he had stayed in bed with her.
"How'd you sleep, love?" He asked, seeing her eyes open.
"I slept fine actually" she said as she sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
"Hey lay down" he said, gently pushing her back down.
"Loki, I just have a fever, I'm not dying" she said with a little smile. He laughed a little bit, realizing he was over reacting a bit. he situated the pillows so she could sit up and rest against them.
"Thank you" she said looking up at him and smiling."Anything for you, darling" he said back, kissing her forehead.
"Loki, what do you hope the baby is?" She asked "a boy or a girl?" She continued.
"I will love our child no matter what" he told her, she giggled a little bit.
"I know, but if it was up to you, if you could choose, what would you want?" She asked again.
"I would want a girl" he told her, she made a face, that was not the answer she was expecting.
"Really?" She said, he nodded.
"I've always wanted my first born to be a girl" he told her, smiling at her surprises.
"Why?" She asked.
"Well, i don't really know."he said as he thought about it for a moment "maybe because I always had an older brother" he said with a little shrug. Eira laughed.
"Well older sisters aren't any better" she said with a little smirk, he laughed, remembering Embrey.
"Well it doesn't matter, we'll both love him or her no matter what" loki said. She smiled, forgetting how sick she was, but then she started coughing again, this time worse than before, and it lasted longer, he held her tightly again, trying to comfort her, she started to have a bit of trouble breathing. She stopped coughing but started crying, she was shaking in his embrace, she was hot scared and she was afraid something would happen to her and or their child.
"Loki, say you'll protect me" she said, he gave her a 'look'.
"I know you will, but I want to hear you say it" she said weakly, loki pulled her away so he could look into her eyes.
"I will protect you from anything and everything that tries to hurt you, I promise, I wont let anything happen to you" he told her, at first he was slightly hurt that she asked him to say that, but when she told him why, he understood the feeling, sometimes it's easier if you hear the person say it. He held her for a while more, until he heard her sigh contently, he looked at her and realized she had fallen back asleep, he set her down and pulled the covers over her, he then pulled the curtains over the window so she could sleep without the light blinding her when she woke.He quietly left the room, remembering he had to tell Thor about the frost giants having weapons.
"Loki" he heard sif calling him.
"Yes, lady Sif?" He asked. She handed him an envelope.
"Someone left this for you" she said.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I don't know, no one can get it open" she told him as she left him alone to see what it was. It had been sealed with magic so that he was the only one who could open it.
"Whosoever holds this envelope, if he be worthy, shall posses the power of loki" he said to himself, laughing a little bit at his own joke. He opened it and read the note. "Don't let your Guard down, they Are still coming. Don't trust anyone"
He read the note and knew it had to be from njördr. He felt sick when he remembered that the day before, he had Brynjar heal Eira. 'What if he made her worse? What if he's helping the frost giants? What if this is all him? No, I can't think about this right now, I need to tell Thor about the jotuns' he thought to himself as he went to find Thor, but "don't trust anyone" burned in the back of his mind. 'No, I can trust my own brother, he's always been on my side, even when I was wrong her was on my side' he thought, trying to convince himself of the truth.

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