chapter 46

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Loki walked down the long halls, he'd been stuck in his room for a few days after the message about the attack, but was finally able to be himself again. He could sense the anxiety lingering in the air, everyone seemed tense and focused. He walked outside to see everyone training, among the worriers, he saw Eira, she didn't normally train this way, when she did fight, she used a bow and arrow, but right now she was switching back and forth between weapons, she was hitting dead center of every target she aimed at, and won every fight she held with other worriers, and she did so with a look of anger and hatred in her face. Loki started to become concerned after watching her for a few minutes, he walked down to ground level, everyone stopped training upon seeing the prince.
"Eira, may I speak with you?" He called to her, she looked around at him, and nodded, walking over to him. He signaled to the worriers to continue training as he and Eira went back inside.
"What did you need me for?" She asked, a bit out of breath.
"Are you alright?" He asked her, putting his hands on her shoulders.
"Yes, why do you ask?" She said, she didn't realize how aggressively she was fighting moments before.
"You didn't quite seem yourself, I just wanted to make sure you were okay" he told her. She closed her eyes and sighed, a look of sorrow took her face. Loki put his hand on her face, bringing her eyes to meet his.
"What's going on?" He asked. She put her hand on the hand with which he was holding her face.
"I've never felt this angry before. Every time I think about her I get angry, I can't find a minute of peace, I just-" she leaned against Loki's chest and he held her head close to him.
"I can't live like this, not anymore. I feel like we're missing out on life because of her. Is this all there is? Will we ever be free from her? And what if she wins, what if- ugh, I just wish she was gone" she said into him, he stroked her hair, feeling so sorry for her.
"I know, it's hard. But Eira, look at me" he said pulling her away and putting his hand under her chin, making her look him in the eye."I promise you, she will not win this battle, rest assured that we will defeat her. my wife, my love, my everything, you and I are going to live long lives, side by side, without that witch to interfere. I give you my word on that" he told her, his blue eyes gazing straight into her's. She felt relived on the surface, but deep down, there was still that fear, burning her mind and heart, and she knew it would be there until they put an end to her. She wrapped her arms tightly around loki, he tried not to flinch when she upset the burn in his side, but she felt him go tense.
"I'm so sorry, I forgot" she said pulling away.
"It's quite alright, sweetheart, just startled me a bit. "Well, I think I should practice some more" she said turning to walk back to the training field.
"Wait, I think I should help you. Embrey is pretty tricky, all you learn out there is how to butcher an enemy, let me teach you how to out think one" he told her taking her hand and leading her down a hall, they entered a large empty room.
"Remember this?" He said, kissing her neck, she smiled as they enter the room, she hadn't been in there for such a long time.
"Of course, this is where you taught me to control my power" she said with a slight giggle."And this is where I fell in love for the first time" he told her. She smiled, thinking about everything they did together, when she created that ice cage around him, and how he played with her by making duplicates of himself, it all seemed like yesterday, but also so far away, that was before Embrey had started to interfere in their lives and it seemed like that was an eternity ago.
"Why does she want to kill you? Why does she hate you so much?" Loki asked, knowing Eira was thinking about Embrey. She shook her head.
"I don't Know, I really don't" she said staring at the wall, starting to zone out, she shook her head quickly, coming back to reality.
"But she does, so let's get to training" she said, trying to sound strong and act like she wasn't bothered by Embrey. Loki set up an arena for her, using himself as the enemy for her to fight, he saw how hard she was fighting, and how quickly she was able to learn. Half of him was glad she was this determined, it made her almost unstoppable, but half of him was fearing that Embrey had infected her mind with revenge, and he knew that taking revenge is that first step down a dark path.

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