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The door opened, and my jaw dropped. Niall Hornan was playing video games with HARRY STYLES. Liam Payne was sitting on thr floor next to them laughing at Niall messing up. Where was Zayn? Probably sleeping haha.

"Oi! Taken me turn lad!" Louis shouted at Harry with a laugh. It's the first time I've seen him smile, ans actually talk with emotion, I nearly passed out. Literally.


Louis ran to the boys and plopped on the couch, leaving me standing alone by the door.

"Killed you!" Harry shouted, clicking buttons rapidly, and Niall cursed making them all laugh.

"Beat ya!" Niall shouted and threw his hands in the air, laughing the laugh he does. I was fangirling on the inside so badly. He was so cute.

Harry turned to me, and nearly fell off the couch. He whispered something to Niall, and then Liam. All except Louis, were acknowledging my presence.

"Woah! Hey love! Who are you?" Harry smiled, and got up.

Harry Styles was coming to me. Harry Styles just placed a hand on my shoulder!

"Hi there!" Niall smiled, and ran to hug me. I giggled, and hugged him back. I was hugging Niall Hornan.

Thank God the rest of them were nice, because if they were like Louis, I'd kill myself.

"You're pretty." Harry smirked, and I looked down to hide my blushing face.

"Harry." Liam said, and smiled to me, "are you lost love?"

"She doesn't speak." Louis said flatly. I rolled my eyes.

"I speak, and I'm not lost. Louis." I called for help in explaining.

"That's my name." He laughed, but it was a rude laugh.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm Eleanor Calder." I smiled sheepishly.

Louis groaned and walked over to the group.

"This is the girl for the stunt." Louis confirmed in monotone.

They all smiled, and led me to the couch.

"Are you a fan?"

"Who's your favorite?"

"How old are you?"

"Where ya from?"

They all, except for Louis who I'm supposed to get to know, began asking me questions all at once.

"I'm a big fan, yes." I said with a nervous smile.

They cheered, but Louis just grabbed the remote and played single player as the boys got to know me. They were just as funny as you see them. Just normal guys having fun. We even had a few good laughs, especially Niall. Niall thinks everything is funny haha.

Louis was in his own world, not even paying attention. This is gonna be harder than I thought.

By the time the food Niall ordered came, I felt like I've known them forever. All except Louis. Louis and Zayn were just talking to themselves, and laughing in their own world.

How am I supposed to pretend I love someone when he won't even talk to me.

"I should get going home." I told them with a sad smile, and they all pouted.

"Aww no, don't leave!" Niall begged, chewing his pizza. I giggled.

"Yes, she has to go." Louis said. He, of course him, showed me the way out.

The Elounor Stunt ♡Elounor♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang