The Unsatisfactory Answers

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For years my husband persisted in asking me, "Why won't God just say 'hi' to everyone on the planet? You say that He is love, and that people go to Hell for not believing in Him. It seems like if He really loved us that much He would at least say 'hi,' then we would know that He is real."

In response to his constant questioning I dutifully gave each answer as it had been given to me:

- It would eliminate the need for faith.

- He can't because of our sin.

- He speaks when it is necessary.

- It would violate our free will.

My husband's tenacious, logical mind kept him from being satisfied with any of these. He complained, "I keep asking to hear from Him and He has yet to say a word!"

I was left with only one thing to say, the last resort for most Christians: "I guess there are some things we just won't know until we get to Heaven."

Until recently, being left in the dark about this didn't bother me like it did him, but with good reason: I was on the opposite side of the coin. Within a year of renewing my relationship with the Lord, He had spoken to me in an audible voice. I had been instantly, miraculously healed of medically documented, serious conditions numerous times (a deviated septum, torn rotator cuff, bulging disc causing mind seizures). I had also seen angels and demons on many occasions (See "Angels Believe in You" for these testimonies, FREE on Kindle, Nook and my website).

In the summer of 2016, my perspective on hearing from God changed when I read a book about a woman, let us call her Judy, who began seeing Jesus when she prayed and worshipped Him in her bed each night. For two weeks, the Lord would take Judy to a garden in Heaven that was created specifically for her. After reading a few of the amazing accounts of the unique, unforgettable way the Lord taught Judy important lessons, I put the book down consumed with frustration.

My journey with the Lord, documented in "Angels Believe in You," may make for an interesting read, but the truth of the matter is that it was years of painful lessons and failures. It took me more than a decade to learn what the Lord had showed her in two weeks with half a dozen trips to Heaven! "Lord," my heart cried, "why did I have to go through all that? You have told me that I'm supposed to visit You in Heaven... why couldn't You have brought me sooner? Then I wouldn't have had to go through all that pain?"

"Blessed is he who believes and does not see," I remembered Him telling His disciples.

Those words put the matter to rest for me, but being on the other side, however briefly, made the issue of not hearing from God much more real to me. The more I thought about it, the more the typical reasons just didn't make sense.

One night, a cry came out from the very depths of my soul, "God, none of these things explain why a loving God would let so many people suffer in Hell for all eternity... I must know who You are! Why don't you speak to them?"

Over the next five hours, God used pieces of what I had learned about Him over the years to solve the puzzle that has plagued both Christians and non-Christians for generations. First, I stated my arguments concerning why none of these answers lined up with the Word of God (Bible) and who I knew Him to be. Then He showed me why He does and doesn't speak to people.

Negating our Faith

Often whenever I would talk to other Christians about why God seems to talk to some people and not others they would say, "Believing in God takes faith. If He just spoke to people, they wouldn't need faith to believe in Him." As a new Christian, this seemed to make sense. However, the more I read the Bible, the less confidence I had in this answer.

Why Doesn't God Speak to Me?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum