I'm sorry

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Maya's P.O.V.

Everything was a blur after Riley got hit. Farkle called the ambulance and they came to take her away. I wouldn't let them take her without me being with her. I stayed with her through it all. She's laying in a hospital bed in a coma all because of me. I just want her to wake up. My mom is taking care of Berkeley and Aspen right now so she can get to know them better and I can't let them see me like this, I'm supposed to be strong for them and right now I'm a mess. The two people that I love the most are in a coma at the time I need them both the most. They're only in a coma because of me. I wake up and look at the time...

-6:30 ugghh, why can't I just sleep a bit longer

I look at Riley and wish she would just wake up. She looks so peaceful even with the bruises and cuts she still seems happy. I decide to get ready and grab a black and white stripped shirt, some black jeans, a green jacket. I put on my white converse and use my sunglasses as a headband. I leave my hair down in loose curls.

After I finish getting ready I see a nurse walk in and check on Riley

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After I finish getting ready I see a nurse walk in and check on Riley.

-Umm...hello can I help you?

-Oh, yes hello I'm looking for the family of Riley Matthews, I have the results for her and the twins.(Nurse)

-They are a few rooms over at the moment visiting Unc...Joshua Matthews 

-Oh I have his results as well if you would follow me we can get the rest of your family and I can tell you everyone's results (Nurse)

-Okay sure

I follow the nurse and she goes in to get everyone else from Josh's room. I still haven't seen him since the incident. We all follow her into a small room with a few chairs. 

-I would suggest that you all sit down(Nurse)

Everyone starts to sit down hesitantly hoping the news isn't to bad. Farkle has tears in his eyes and that makes tear start to form in my eyes. I can tell Topanga and Cory are trying to be strong for Riley's sake and everyone else's.

-So who's results would you like to hear first(Nurse)

-Riley's(Mysterious voice)

We all turn around and see Lucas coming into the room.

-Lucas leave you're not wanted here.(Cory)

-Sir I'm sorry I didn't want this to happen I just want to know if Riley is okay. I still care about her.(Lucas)

-If you actually cared about her then you wouldn't have cheated on her and you would have stayed and not just left her when you found out she was pregnant

-I just want to know if she's okay(Lucas)

-Fine, but we want to know about Josh first then Riley and the twins last(Cory)

-Okay so Josh is in stable condition, no major injuries. He has a few cuts and bruises, he also has a black eye but should wake up anytime today or tomorrow.(Nurse)

A smile spreads across my face knowing that he's okay. I can see Cory relax a bit but he's still worried about Riley and the twins, I can tell.

-And Riley?(Lucas)

-She is in stable condition as well. There is no major injuries other than a broken arm, she has a few small cuts and bruises but other than that she's perfectly fine. Miss.Matthews should wake up in a few days.(Nurse)

-The...T...twins...? (Farkle)



-One of the twins has passed but the other is still perfectly healthy and should be fine. I'm sorry sir. (Nurse)

Everybody starts balling and I run to Farkle for comfort. He wraps his arms around me and I cry onto his shoulder as he does the same. I can feel anger in me building up towards Lucas.  

 -This is all your fault Lucas...!!!

I try to run after Lucas but something stops me I look up and see Farkle holding me back. I sink to the ground crying. Farlkle brings me into a hug and comforts me. 

-If anything this is your fault, everything went down hill since you arrived and you're the one that told Riley and Farkle to find us. (Lucas)

-Maya don't listen to him, he's trying to get off the hook...(Farkle)

No he's right it's all my fault everything is my fault. Dark Le manages to calm me down and we go see Riley again. Everyone else goes to see Josh. Farkle leaves after a few minutes because I ask him to do that I can talk to Riley alone. I leave a note for Riley next to her bed explaining everything and why I'm leaving but as I go to leave I just couldn't without saying a proper goodbye. I walk over to Riley and lay down in the bed with her holding her in my arms.

-I'm sorry Riley for everything that has happened since I've arrived. You need to wake up Farkle needs you and so does everyone else. They love you and you deserve a happy life, not me. I should be the one in a coma I should have gotten hit by the car, not you. I'm sorry that I've done this to you. Everything went to hell as soon as I came back, I'm not meant to be here. I came and Josh goes into a coma, Shawn and Corey hate me, you probably do to because of everything I've done to you, you and Lucas break up, so does Farkle and Smakle, you get hit by a car, lose a child and end up in a coma. All of this happened because of me. I'm the worst friend anyone could ever have. I should never have come back. I shouldn't have been born, you could have had such a happy life and it all got ruined because of me. I'm sorry Riles but I hope you live that happy life once I'm gone. I guess this is...

I start breaking down in tears, leave a kiss on her head and start to leave. As I'm about to leave I turn around and blow a kiss to her. 

-Goodbye...forever, bye Riles... I... love you

I turn around and walk towards Josh's hospital room.

Thanks for reading. Sorry I haven't updated in a while I haven't been home and I've been real busy. Sorry about making Maya depressed but I just keep writing and whatever comes to me I just write. The next chapter should be somewhat happy but mainly sad. Sorry 😬😬!!

I wrote this chapter twice but it got deleted.😓 Of all chapters, this was the hardest to write.

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