Myles, Santo, Rayan, Craig, and Nila all nodded. Within a few seconds Jacob and Yanna walked in the lunch room.

"Where y'all been?" Santo asked.

"In the library. Now, come on let's get to class before were late." Yanna said, before grabbing Santo arm and walking away.

"What's up with her ?" Craig asked, while everyone turned and look at Jacob.

"What y'all looking at !? I don't know." With that being said everyone went to class.

Rayanna POV

I can't believe it. It just doesn't seem real. Ain't no way in hell some lady stole my twin brother. I was in class, and pulled out my phone. Of course I was hiding it. I texted my mom and told her we need to talk ASAP when I get home, and that Jacob was coming home with me today. She asked what we need to talk about I told her she'll see when I get home.

"Ms. Lopez is that a phone I see ??" The teacher asked eyeballing me down I. front of the class room. I guess she trying to call me out.

"No, Mrs. Stevenson. Its a calculator." I said. Some students laughed, and was like "Ooohhh."

"See me after class." Mrs. Stevenson snapped, causing the class to go silent. I just rolled my eyes, and laid back in my chair.

School was over, and Jacob was getting on the bus with me.

"So, what we going to do when we get there."

"I'm just going to tell her what I know. Then, ask her what the doctor look like. After, that I'm going over Rayan's house."

"You going over today ?"

"No, tomorrow. I told them what was going on with my life, and I got the whole week off from everything besides church, and bible study."

"But, wait my question is...Why did she move into the same town as y'all if she stole your mother's child?"

"She probably don't know were here. Remember I moved here like...what, when I turned 7, and he came this year. So, she probably don't know."

"True, so like wha-"

"Shhh, change the subject. Here comes Nila and Sierra." I quickly said cutting off Jacob. They came and sat in front of me and Jacob.

"Ray, where were you during lunch." Nila asked.

"I told you me, and Jacob were in the library."

"Doing what?"

"Research. We have this project." I semi-lied.

"Oh, okay. I'm just ready for next week for this sleepover."

"I still can't believe your going." Sierra said. The whole bus ride we were talking about the sleepover, until it was time for me to get off the bus. We walked in my house, and my mom was in the kitchen cooking as usual.

"Ma." I said, while walking into the kitchen.

"Yes, Rayanna." She while cutting up carrots, without even looking up at me.

"The doctor. What did she look like ?"

"Dang, Yanna great way to start off the conversation." Jacob said.

"What doctor ?"

"The one who stole my brother." My mom then dropped the knife, and sat at the table with me and Jacob. "So, you were listening last night?"

"Yes. Now tell me what she looked like."


"Cause I'm -" I started before Jacob cut me off.

"We are going over Rayan's house tomorrow, and were trying to see if its the same lady."  My mom started describing her, and she showed us the video of the day she gave birth cause the doctor was on the video. She even started telling us how she filed a report against the doctor, but they said there was no doctor named Sarah Smith. She said she tried to show them the video, but no one seem to really care back then. I swear if its that's her I'm going to snap like crazy.

"When were you planning on telling me this?" I asked my mom.

"When ever I found him. I never stopped looking, unlike your father. Have you told Rayan yet?"

"No. I'm going to tell him when I get all facts, and evidence. Then, get her in jail, and get Rayan back with us where he belongs."

"Your serious about this aren't you?" Jacob asked me.

"Yes. I'm so dead serious."

"Dang. But, I should be heading home." Jacob said while standing up.

"But, you just got here." My mom wined.

"I know, but I got to go."

"Well, do you want me to take you home?"

"Yes, please."

"I'm riding." I said, as we all got up and headed to the car. We all was bumping, and driving. When we arrived I gave Jacob a hug bye, and told him to call me.

"Ight I'll call you, and bye momma." He said waving at my mom. He calls my mom momma just cause we knew each other since forever, and he used to always be over my house.

Rayan POV

So, today Rayanna is talking to me. I think yesterday just wasn't her day like Sierra said. She even asked to come over my house after school. Jacob was suppose to come, but he didn't come to school today. I think she's bipolar......don't tell her I said that. Right now I'm in gym. You know I gotta work my abs. The only thing that's really been on my mind is Friday, cause remember I have that date with Sierra.

"Okay, now were going to do 20 suicides if they aren't done correctly that's 10 more added on. So, let's get started." My gym coach grinned, before blowing the whistle. I did 30 suicides cause he claimed I wasn't doing them right.

"Now, get a partner to hold your feet. So, you can do sit-ups. I want you to switch when I blow the whistle." He said, before blowing the whistle. After, about 5 minutes he blew the whistle again, and we traded places with our partner. Lunch, and the rest of the day was a breeze. Me, and Yanna were at my house in no time.


"Brown hair, short, mixed." I heard Yanna whispering to herself.

"What you say ?"

"Oh, nothing." She so weird, but whatever. My mom started making her way down the stairs, but when she saw Rayanna she stopped. She probably thinks Rayanna was my girlfriend, or something.

"Uh...ummmm... w-who are you ?" My mom said.

"I'm Rayanna, but you ca-."Yanna began before getting cut off by my mom.

"I'm sorry, but you have to go. Its-its not the right time to be here." My mom said, while pushing Yanna out the door. "Shut the door Rayan."

"Yeah, shut the door Rayan. Cause, she knows who I am. She knows that I'm your sister, and that she stole you from my mother I mean our mother. The day she gave birth to us. January 06, 1996."

"What ?" I said looking at Yanna like she was crazy.

"I SAID SHUT THE DOOR RAYAN." My mom yelled.

"Tell him. His my twin, and you stole him. You claimed you was a doctor, and stole him. You can look it up Rayan." Yanna yelled. "She's not your real mom." That was the last thing I heard, before my mom slammed the door in Yanna's face.


A/N- Sorry for errors. Updated using my phone /.\

Sorry for the short chapter....or was this long enough ?

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